Ease Back Pain with Simple Home Remedies

Summer is here and many people are doing things around the house. Home projects like, taking care of a garden, mowing the lawn, cleaning the garage and other projects which may require heavy lifting. Here are simple home remedies to ease back pain and tips to prevent it.

Ease Back Pain: Ice

Ice works best on back pain within the first 24 hours to reduce inflammation.

Ice keeps inflammation down and will help ease the pain. Put some ice in a plastic bag, and wrap a towel around it. Leave the ice on for 20 minutes, and take it off for 30 minutes. You can repeat this as many times as needed. A bag of frozen vegetables works well too.

Ease Back Pain: Heat

If it has been more than 24 hours since your back pain began, put some heat on it. Heat increases the elasticity of the muscles.

Pour 2 cups of epsom salts into your bath water and soak for 30 minutes. Epsom salts help ease pain by reducing any swelling that is present.

Using a hot water bottle or heating pad will also help ease the pain.

Find a clean white sock and fill with 1 cup of uncooked rice. Tie a knot in the top of the sock. Place in microwave and heat for 30 seconds at a time until it reaches the desired warmth.

Ease Back Pain: Raw Potato

Grate a few potatoes and spread it over a thin cotton cloth. Lay another piece of thin cloth on top. Put the poultice your back. This is especially effective to ease low back pain.

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Ease Back Pain: Eucalyptus oil

Getting a massage with eucalyptus oil or mustard oil is a great way to relieve the pain. It is relaxing and will work the knots out of the muscles while easing stress.

How To Prevent Back Pain

One of the common causes of back pain is improperly lifting heavy things. You can prevent back pain by using your legs to lift. Bend your knees, keep your back straight and squat down to lift the object. Use your leg muscles to push your body into a standing position.

When carrying a heavy object, carry it close to your body and keep your elbows in. If the object is over your head, rest the object on your head before lowering it. Your spine will take the weight instead of your back muscles.

Watch your posture. If you are going to sit for long periods of time, make sure your lower back is supported. Use a cushion, rolled up towel or a rolled up sweater and slide it between your lower back and the back of the chair. Get up and walk around once in awhile to stretch your muscles and keep the blood flowing.

Maintain a healthy body weight. Carrying excess body weight puts a strain on your muscles. Get plenty of Vitamin C in your diet to help combat back pain.

When To See A Doctor

Sometimes back pain is caused by sciatica, herniated, bulging or ruptured disks, or some other irregularity. If your back pain lasts longer than 72 hours or you experience any of the following symptoms, consult your doctor.

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– Back pain that is constant, intense and does not improve with self-care measures at home.

– If pain spreads down one or both legs.

– Causes numbness, tingling or weakness in one or both legs.

– If the injury was due to a fall or blow.

– If your back pain is accompanied by a fever or unexplained weight loss.

By using these simple home remedies to ease back pain, you can enjoy your summer without being sidelined by an aching back.

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