Duties of a Project Manager

Many companies are look for an educated, yet creative person to get their projects started. They need a person that can stay cool under pressure, even with stressful deadlines are looming. A Project Manager must be able work as team or separately, advise others, and/or approve all decisions.

Almost all projects, will have limited resources and a strict budget, which will have to get the job done. The Project Manager is responsible for many tasks throughout the entire creation process. Also, they should oversee all scheduling and changes made to the project, until it is entirely completed.

What are Project Manager’sĀ¹ Responsibilities?

*Planning all aspects of the project.
*Developing the project and being creative.
* Hiring a team to work on project daily.
*Reviewing the project and correcting all errors.
*Completing the project and staying in budget.
*Give a presentation and amaze your client.

Create Plans

Each Project Manager is responsible for creating a plan, which will be confined to an over-all budget. The person will hand pick their team to assist, in completing or developing different parts of the project. They must keep track of all hours and progress completed, by each team member during the project.

Also, they will indentify all resources that the project may need to used, in order to complete the project. All team members must report to the Project Manager with any questions or changes they may need.

*Project ManagerĀ¹ is responsible for the scheduling of a complex project involving many different tasks from start to finish.*

Managing the Project

Most team members will have issues that need handled, during the project’s progress and creation. Some projects will require more resources than first anticipated. The entire project may even need to be split up, in order to finish it a decent time frame. The manager may need to pitch in and help their employees, so they can review all documents.

The team can be creative, but the manager should always approve of the graphics and visuals that will be used. The project should look for ways to thanks the team for all their hard work, once the project is completed. Each Project Manager has many aspects of the job that they must do every day. The job can be rewarding in many ways. They mostly enjoy seeing their creativity come to life, as the project is completed.

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Satisfying the Client

All projects should be revised as needed, since last minute errors will take away from the quality of your project and the team. All Project Managers should review the entire project and each document, before the client gets their first look at the presentation. During the final stages, the manager should look for ways to improve the document, like adding or deleting a graphic aid.

Once, the project is finished, it is time for the Project Manager to give their presentation to the client. Each client is looking for unique quality and creativeness in their overall completed projects.

“Ideally, someone who has both the theoretical grounding in skills such as estimating costs” (Carr, 2007).

After the presentation is over, the client will give his honest opinion and suggest changes, if he sees fit. Don’t forget to congratulate the team members and each of you take some well deserved time off. Make sure that you plan something special for the team’s hard work and dedication to completing the project.

Advice from Project Managers

What to Do

“Project managers ensure team members across the various functions-development, finance, sales, marketing, service and manufacturing-adhere to a project-based approach.” (PM Network, 2007). The author Mr. Kerr decided created his own set of “Ten Commandments” (Kerr, 2006) for new Project Manager Trainees.

By following the advice of other Project Managers, they can ensure their future success in all their upcoming projects. By looking at what other managers have suggested, the trainee gets a chance to learn. Also, they learn the best way to use their creativity.

What Not to Do

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“If you see too many signs of danger, cut your losses and either restructure the project or kill it. (Perkins, 2007) ”

Most Project Managers agree that they never waste their time or energy on a dead end project. They always split large projects into several small ones, in order to get the project done quicker. Most managers agree that projects may take extra time and cost to finish. Be flexible and able to adjust the changes, as needed for each step of the project. Planning and creating projects is for those, who can be creative and diligent in seeking the completed project.

The look of satisfaction in their clients; is what all Project Managers strive for. They try to do their absolute best, in order to avoid disappointments with the client. Some try to make the client impressed, by showing off their creativity. However, keep it simple and use the graphics that will capture the client’s attention. Over-crowding can make the presentation look bad and cause the client to be unsatisfied.

Being the Best

Now, many schools offer a certification in Project Management, in order to earn more money in their career. Each certification will allow the individual more career opportunities, but it has lost its appeal of the years. These credentials “will not open more doors” (Carr, 2007), but the individuals experience will be the key to getting hired.

According to Mr. B. Perkins (2007), there twelve reasons why IT companies fail or cancel over half of their projects. Only “20 % “of all IT project are “successful” (Perkins, 2007) and on maintain the correct budget and ideas. He believes that most projects fail, due to ineffective or weak sponsors that support that project.


Most businesses are changing to project-oriented business and some business have realized how important their Project managers are. According to a survey (personal reference, 2007), 2 of 3 Project Managers had a high school diploma, Associates Degree in Business, was currently employed, and shared the career with a family member. All three survey member is a family and are currently happy with their current career goals. However, only one wanted to be a Project Manager since high school and college.

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Each one has 3-5 years of experience and a yearly salary that ranges from 50,000- 90,000. However, only one person in the survey, wanted to go further in their education and pursue a possible Doctorate in Business. Each Participant was asked to rate the importance of family, education, career choice, and possible change. The right education and career can lead to happiness in your family life.

Every Project Manager has many responsibilities which they must oversee, but the satisfaction of completing the project is enough to keep them busy. The salary is competitive, once the person obtains a degree in Business or a certification in Project Management. Many employers are looking for educated and hardworking managers for their projects. Once, a company has found their match: they will do anything to keep them employed.


Carr, D. (2007) Project Management Certification

Baseline; Issue 71; P.72-72; 1p

Retrieved on May 12, 2007 in the EBSCO database in the AXIA Library


Kerr, J. (2006) The Ten Commandments of Project Management, Computer World, Inc.

Framingham, USA; Vol.4, Issue 4; pg.44; 1 pgs

Retrieved in ProQuest Database in the AXIA library on April 13, 2007


Perkins, B. (2007) 12 Things You Know About Projects but Choose to Ignore

Computer World; Vol.41; Issue 34-34, 2/3p

Retrieved on May 12, 2007 in the EBSCO database inside the AXIA Library


Unknown (2007) Multidivisional Management

PM Network, Vol. 21; Issue 4; p. 20-21; 2p

Retrieved on May 12, 2007 in the EBSCO database in the AXIA Library
