Being An Estee Lauder Counter Manager

When you are the manager of a team you want to have the rest of the team to want to work, feel that they too, are involved with the company and the Estee Lauder products they are selling.

You may work with women who have been working for Estee Lauder for , years, not only will they have experience with Estee Lauder but if they are good they are also going to have built up loyal clients who want to come back to them, specifically to purchase more Estee Lauder.

On the flip side, there is going to be women who have become complacent in their job. And that is when it is up to the manager to root the on, get them enthused and excited again, just as they were when they joined the Estee Lauder team.

There also could be women on the team who feels that they are just there and they can’t wait to go home, this is just a job and it is not a high priority on the list. If she is lucky enough to have the right manager, she can get her enthused and excited as well to and point out to this is not just any job and just the way to make a living. They too need to be encouraged and they need a manager to set an example and when they see her doing that, feeling and seeing the pride, excitement and reaching the team goals, you are going to give that woman a role model who makes her proud again that she is a part of a team that is Este Lauder.

A manager of Estee Lauder needs to come in and work with her team. The manager should be enthusiastic, create a positive atmosphere, look at the positives of the women and if you do this your team is going to be happy and will be more self confident and they will put out the effort to stride to be a better worker.

A manager should prove to her team that we are representing a company to be proud of and that is Estee Lauder!

You cannot come in and be negative. Having a negative attitude will only bring the other women will feed off of your negativity and that will definitely hurt sales.

That team selling Estee Lauder, deserves to have a manger who does not criticize because that will only lead to an unhappy counter, but give them compliments, recognize the efforts the make, the achievements, and there sales, you are going to have happy girls on your team to want to work better and have a much better attitude when they walk in that door and begin their day with pride to be someone who is selling and representing Estee Lauder!

Get your team in a happy and positive and your team is going to have sales. Make sure you and the other team member have the belief in the fact that they are a valuable team member and that they are proud to be in a team who sell and represent Estee Lauder.

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When working any job or any task I believe you get back what you put out. You as a manager cannot just push anyone all at once to sell sell sell, you might as a manager bring in change for better sales and productivity and sometimes you can achieve that in a short period of time but a manager will also have to do subtle changes and be prepared and patient because it can also be a long term commitment. A manager needs to set an example to the rest of her team and that includes effort, loyalty, pride and commitment to Estee Lauder.

There will be times that your counter sales can be low, that is when try different selling procedures, push a certain product to boost are sales and get out on that Macy’s floor and recruit women to come to that counter, try the sample you are offering and then sell her more! That is what makes a seller and a team player. If the effort is there, the sales are going to be there too! Sometimes you can make every possible effort to sell but it just doesn’t happen, but as a manager if you know or see that person’s sales are low, you never give her negative feedback, let her know how you saw her efforts and how well she did, that woman will be encouraged enough and get some confidence to make sales the next day.

A manager for Estee Lauder also needs to set an example. A manager must practice what she preaches. A good manager does not expect or order her team to do task when you as a manager will not do, you must “walk the walk and talk the talk. Managers and team members can set the tone for the day, especially the manager, your team is going to look at your behavior, and if you start off negative then your team will feed off of that, come in positive and happy, that will boost your team up and when they are boosted, the sales of Estee Lauder are also boosted and that is our priority.

Priority to Estee Lauder sales and team members is not just the sale but the customer as well. Estee Lauder is not an exclusive line to just Macy’s, there is Dillards, Sax, etc… so they can go anywhere to purchase Estee Lauder, that is why when you are behind the Estee Lauder counter you will want to make that person feel special, that she received excellent service, and that the salesgirl helped her customer and built up a trust and somewhat loyalty and the sale was more than just what she wanted but she had that trust and bond with that specific sales girl behind the Estee Lauder counter is going to leave but she is going to come back to Estee Lauder for more product and she is going to come back to your store and your counter and not want to go somewhere else

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There are many duties that an Estee Lauder manager must do. Aside from the business side of Estee Lauder, she also needs to give her women confidence and a great atmosphere so they want to come to work.

Estee Lauder deserves to have the best working for them, when it comes to being a manager and there should be criteria that she tries to keep:


Awards and recognition for their accomplishments

Give encouragement so, they feel proud to be selling Estee Lauder and that their counter has been recognized for their sales and team achievement.

Managers must also be organized


Able to contain and change a difficult situation be it with the women working or a customer because remember, if a customer comes along and if nothing can be resolved then your salesclerk will come to you, the manager, to diffuse the situation.

That is when the manager needs to be experienced not only in sales, but also working with the public. You will have difficult customers now and then, that is why we need to make sure all customers receives excellent customer service the first time, so those problems do not arise.

An Estee Lauder manager must be accountable for herself and her girls. If a team member’s work ethic or lack of is causing problems then the manager must accept accountability and do something to improve that person.

The ability to motivate myself and those around me and to bring the business and sales to their fullest sales potential and growth.

Key for an Estee Lauder manager is know and make sure thing are done and how others work together rather than the shorter but less effective approach of dictating the outcome desired.

A manager should never concentrate on what is wrong with an individual who demonstrates a lack commitment, try and help that person, make the work place more upbeat, set a good example and give that person praise and recognition when she does do something, from the smallest to the biggest. This is going to boost her and her sales.


Emphasize the positives of Estee Lauder and brag about the cosmetic line.

When the occasion arises say only good things about Estee Lauder, your team, your department and even the store.

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Always express approval of Estee Lauder to coworkers, friends, relatives et… theses will be sales in time. The more people you put in the funnel, the more you will see your sales improve and keep improving,

The first day on the job can be crucial. Never show any negativity, disapprovals or any this else negative to the new girl and when she training either you or a very strong member should train her. Right from the start will have a great experience with Estee Lauder.

Your behavior will impact how your team feels. You are a manager of a team that sells proudly Estee Lauder. So be enthusiastic and happy to be there, emphasize the right. And when you witness someone doing well or correctly make sure you let that person know and praise them, which will go a long way,

To build the right atmosphere for their department will:

Will ask question about what people feel, about Estee Lauder, customers, concern and any other key issues. Then that manager can take the appropriate steps to improve those issues as much as she can, if the problem or issue something that the manager feels she cannot resolve or address, that is when she goes to her manager for help.

Recognize all achievements big or small to your team.

Help the team with more knowledge of Estee Lauder and help improve their skills

Give encouragement when people seem unhappy or disappointed.

Practices of a manager will their team feel that their efforts do matter and they will be more positive, confident and sell more and that they will continue to grow.

Any problems that you need to address should always be done privately.

If need be devote extra time and attention to a worker if she would need some help.


Create a vision of the next upcoming sale or event.

Excite your team about it

Use and explore practical ways of achieving and how we can really make it successful and make it happen.

This approach is call appreciative inquiry or positive change theory

It helps to move employees and get them involved to turn that vision into reality.

You will need to coach people, listen to their concern always. Give them thanks for coming to you and try addressing the concern as best you can and give encouragement and show them you understand!