Diets for Overweight Dogs

Dogs become overweight, just as people do. While we might think the extra padding on our dogs is adorable, it is unhealthy for the dog to carry too much weight.

Overweight is a major health risk for dogs. Just a small weight gain can cause health problems. Health risks associated with overweight include: heart problems, diabetes risk, arthritis, difficulty breathing, decreased stamina, back problems and problems in the legs and joints. Overweight directly impacts the length and quality of life for your pet

New Year’s Day is a time for resolutions, which often include the resolution to whittle the waistline. If your pet has become overweight, include them in this healthy goal when making healthy New Year’s resolutions.

Pets gain weight for many of the same reasons that people do. High caloric intake, high fat food and not enough activity.
A active, healthy dog is a joyous companion. Keeping your dog at an ideal weight can help to reduce the vet bill. The complications of overweight can cause medical problems that require treatment and medication. Overweight can shorten the life of your canine companion.

Overweight can shorten your beloved pet’s life. Take steps to keep your companion animal healthy for a long time by helping them to lose weight.

Just as people who want to lose weight should visit a doctor, a pet’s weight loss plan should start with a visit to the vet. The Veterinarian is qualified to make recommendations about the ideal weight for your dog and to suggest the best methods of weight loss.

The veterinarian will probably recommend a regulated diet as part of the weight loss plan; There are several good brands of reduced calorie diet for canines. Hill’s Science Diet offers a prescription brand which is available only through veterinarians. The reduced diet from Hills is a low fat, reduced calorie, high fiber formula that helps dogs to lose weight while they stay full feeling. Ask the vet if a prescription diet is appropriate for your dog.

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The vet may recommend using any good brand from the pet food store. Experts recommend making gradual changes to diet, to reduce stomach upset. You may wish to make a gradual transition by mixing brands so your dogs’ stomach can adjust to the change. Use the portion recommendation on the bag as a guideline of how much to feed your canine companion.

Make sure that your dog always has a bowl of clean, fresh water, which is good for their system. Even in the winter months, it is important for your dog to stay hydrated.

If you feed your dog table scraps, it is time to stop. It is hard to monitor the amount of caloric intake when feeding scraps from your table. A high quality brand dog food fills the nutritional needs of the dog while keeping their weight in check.

Exercise and activity are another important element of weight loss. Taking your dog for walks benefits both of you. Exercise together to condition the heart and burn calories. If the dog has been inactive, start the exercise program slowly. Remember that your dog’s legs are shorter than yours and have make more steps to cover the same distance. If your dog is small, or has short legs, they may not be able to tolerate long walks at first. Start with a short five or ten minute walk to condition your dog gradually.

The exercise program should be consistent. A marathon walk once a week may cause muscle and joint pain in the overweight pet. A short walk several times a week offers the benefit of elevating the heart beat, metabolism and circulation without exhausting the dog or causing injury

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Dogs also benefit from play activity. If your dog likes to play with toys, get them a ball to chase. Spend some time in the back yard playing fetch. Your dog will have fun and benefit from the fresh air and exercise.

Your dog can be a great exercise buddy, as well as companion. Watch your dog’s diet and get regular exercise together. Your pet and you will both benefit from these healthy habits.

Dogs gain and lose weight in the same ways that people do. Your dog depends upon you to provide the elements of good health, resulting in healthy weight. Talk to the veterinarian for diet recommendations before starting a new program. A good healthy diet with high quality dog food and regular exercise is a program that will help your dog to a healthy weight and longer, happier life.