Diet Program Overview: The Fast Track One Day Diet

The Fast Track One Day Detox Diet is designed to flush toxins from your body, especially your liver. On average, five to ten pounds can be lost following the one-day fast, which is step two of this program. Not only will you lose weight through this diet plan, but you should also gain increased energy, improve liver function, and improve colon function. The diet is broken down into three stages: seven-day prequel, one-day juice fast, and three-day sequel. Ann Louise Gittleman, author of The Fast Track One Day Diet, has also written several other best-selling diet and fitness books, such as The Fat Flush Plan series, The Living Beauty Detox Program, and From Fatigues to Fantastic.

Stage 1: Prequel – Preparing for the One Day Detox
Duration: 7 Days

Each day for the first seven days, you should consumeā€¦
– At least one to three “liver-loving” foods or supplements (such as cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, leafy green vegetables, oranges, lemons, limes, garlic, onions, eggs, artichoke, asparagus, beets, celery, and whey protein)
– At least one “colon-loving” food or supplement (such as powdered psyllium husks, milled or ground flaxseeds, carrots, apple, pear or berries)
– Half your body weight in ounces of water
– Two servings of lean protein
– One to two tablespoons of flaxseed or olive oil

You also have to avoid “detox detractors,” such as dietary fats (especially trans-fats), all forms of sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined carbohydrates (the white stuff – rice, bread, flour, pasta, et cetera), products that contain gluten (such as wheat, rye, and barley products), soy protein isolates (found in protein energy bars and other processed soy products), alcohol, caffeine, and over-the-counter drugs.

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It is crucial to the success of this program that you follow all of the dietary rules exactly as they are laid out. Stage one is very important because it is the stage that preps your system for the juice fast. You cannot reap the optimal benefits of this diet without adhering to the guidelines of the seven-day prequel stage.

Stage 2: Main Event – The One Day Detox Juice Fast
Duration: 1 Day

During this one-day fast, you will be drinking one cup of fluid every hour starting from the hour that you awaken. On alternating hours, you will consume one cup of water or one cup of the Miracle Juice.

The Miracle Juice Ingredients are cranberry water (unsweetened cranberry juice), cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmeg, orange juice (fresh squeezed – not from concentrate), fresh-squeezed lemon juice, and stevia. You may not be familiar with stevia – it is an herb that has a sweet taste. You should be able to find stevia and unsweetened cranberry juice at a natural foods store. To make the juice, start by bringing the cranberry water to a light boil, and then simmering over low heat. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger to the simmering juice (you can either add the ingredients directly or you can use a tea ball for a less tangy result). Allow the ingredients to simmer with the juice for fifteen to twenty minutes, and then cool the mixture to room temperature. Finally, stir in the orange juice, lemon juice, and stevia.

Other than drinking miracle juice and water during your one-day detox, you also need to take a serving of a “colon-caring” supplement at the beginning of the day and another at the end of the day. You can choose from powdered psyllium husks (mix one or two teaspoons in with a glass of water or a glass of Miracle Juice) or ground or milled flaxseeds (mix two to three tablespoons in a glass of water or a glass of miracle juice). Only engage in light exercise during your one-day fast and do not exceed thirty minutes of even light physical activity.

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Stage 3: The Sequel
Duration: 3 Days

After your seven-day prequel and your one-day juice fast, you’re still not quite finished with the detox diet. Stay the course for the three days following the juice fast so that you can maintain optimal results. After all, you didn’t do all this work for nothing! During the three days following the one-day juice and water fast, you should follow the same set of rules as you did during the seven-day diet prequel. Also, you should consume at least one daily serving of organic, raw sauerkraut or non-fat or low-fat yogurt with live, active cultures. Raw, organic sauerkraut and yogurts with live, active cultures are considered probiotic food sources that will restore the good bacteria sources to your system.

As you can see, the Fast Track One Day Detox Diet is actually an eleven-day program. Once you have completed all three steps, you should return to a healthy and balanced diet consisting of several low-fat foods that are easily digestible. Do not undergo this detox diet more than four times per year. As always, consult with your doctor before beginning this or any other diet program.


  • The Fast Track One Day Detox Diet by Ann Louise Gittleman