Common Signs of Anemia in Woman

Anemia is caused when your body does not have enough hemoglobin in your red blood cells. Your red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to all of the cells and tissues in your body, and it is the hemoglobin that allows your red blood cells to properly perform this essential function. When your red blood cells do not have enough hemoglobin, or when you do not have enough healthy red blood cells, you become anemic. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and it is causes by a lack of iron in the diet. Iron plays a huge role in promoting healthy hemoglobin production.

Anemia is much more common in women than it is in men. This is because women lose blood monthly because of their menstrual periods, and because women often lose blood during childbirth. Women who have heavy periods are especially prone to anemia and should be aware of the signs and symptoms of anemia so that they can seek proper treatment.

Women who are anemic often feel very tired most of the time. They may have to drag themselves through each day. Weakness accompanies this feeling of fatigue frequently. You may feel short of breath, look pale, and you may become dizzy a lot. Some women get chest pains, have cold hands and feet, and may not think and remember as well as they usually do. Irritability may occur, too, and when you are feeling this crummy, it is no surprise. All of these signs and symptoms result from your heart having to work much harder to get the needed oxygen to your body’s cells and organ since your red blood cells are not in tip top shape to do the work with ease.

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Aside from heavy periods, and childbirth, women may become anemic from a diet lacking in iron, folate, and vitamin B-12. All of these necessary vitamins and minerals can be added to your body via a vitamin and iron supplement. If you choose to take an iron supplement, take it with orange juice or another juice high in vitamin C, as this will help your body absorb the available iron better. Increase your intake of meat, eggs, fortified grains and whole grains, and eat a lot of dark green leafy vegetables. Dried fruits and beans will also add these nutrients to your diet. Do not downplay the importance of a healthy diet in preventing anemia.

If you are a woman and you are experiencing some, or all of the signs and symptoms listed above, it is time to see your health care practitioner to get a red blood cell count, which is part of a simple blood test. The results tell your doctor if you are suffering from anemia, and will allow you to work together to determine the cause, and make changes that will build your red blood cells back up to a healthy state so that you can feel better and start enjoying life again.
