Natural Ways to Remedy Anemia

If you are one of the millions of people that suffer from anemia you know how hard it can be to stay healthy. Anemia occurs when there is a decreased amount of heoglobin and oxygen in the blood. The result is tiredness, weakness or fatigue, lack of energy, and sometimes dizziness.

Anemia is caused by lots of things, mainly nutritional deficiencies and is very common in the United States and among those of African American backgrounds. Anemia itself is not really a disease but a disorder caused by poor eating habits, major illness, and possibly fatal diseases like cancer.

Hereditary disorders like Sickle Cell Anemia can be passed on from mother to child as well. Untreated anemia can lead to indegestion, depression, and in severe cases neurological damage. Luckily there are natural remedies that will help ease your symptoms of anemia and keep you from becoming anemic in the future.

To discover whether or not you are anemic you will have to see a doctor and have your blood tested. I first learned I was anemic when donating blood, as I routinely do and I could not donate for several weeks following. I saw my doctor immediately to find out what I should do and to have my blood tested. Getting your blood tested today is nothing like in the past.

Now a simple prick of your finger can tell a doctor whether or not you are anemic instead of using the traditional method of drawing blood with needles. Generally speaking, most people suffer anemia due to dietary deficiencies and at the time I was a strict vegetarian which only complicated the disorder.

Without meat in my diet, my body was extremely low on iron which is essential for the production of hemoglobin in the blood. I was put on iron pills at first, but I hated taking them so instead I found some natural alternatives. During my research I also discovered anemia can be caused by lack of vitamin B12. Most people who are anemic don’t even realize it.

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Now that I have suffered with anemia several times I am quite aware of the symptoms and I can tell right away if there is a problem. For most people the symptoms go unrecognized because they can easily be confused with lots of other sicknesses. Some initial symptoms may include loss of appetite, pale and brittle nails, loss of libido, headaches, and fatigue. Anemics may also suffer bouts of intense nausea or dizziness because the blood is not carrying enough oxygen to the brain and major organs.

Over time, anemia left untreated can lead to depression, hormonal imbalances, and irritability. If you think you are anemic or show some of the symptoms you should see your health care practicioner immediately. There are preventative steps you can take to ensure you don’t become anemic, and if you already are will help improve your health. Many of these steps include changing your diet to help boost your immune system and increase iron and B vitamins intake. Increasing your intake of crucial vitamins and minerals is just about the only way to fight anemia safely.

There are lots of herbs you can buy fresh in any grocery store that will immediately help soothe your symptoms of anemia. You can prepare herbs in a salad, by lightly cooking or blanching, and even with juicing. Dandelions, leafy greens, turnip greens, and alfalfa can all be found in most grocers produce sections and are great for anemia. You may also want to include apples, bananas, purple grapes, red raspberries, prunes, and raisins to your diet. Many of these fruits are high in antioxidants and will help improve absorption of nutrients and minerals, and help improve your immune system functions.

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Anemics may want to avoid most nuts and beans for several weeks because they counter iron absorption which is neccessary for maintaining proper hemoglobin levels in the body. You may also want to avoid caffiene, chocolate, kale, and spinach to help speed up the healing process since these foods can interfere with nutrient and mineral absorption.

It’s been said that Blackstrap Molasses is a good source of B vitamins and iron. Taken daily Blackstrap Molasses can help anemics and vegetarians maintain proper iron and hemoglobin levels. Of course, you should always speak to your doctor before starting any new diet regimen or supplementation use. Everyone should take a daily vitamin but those suffering from anemia need certain nutrients and minerals. Look for a daily vitamin that has folic acid, B complex vitamins, vitamins A, C, and E, copper, iron, and zinc. There may be other ingredients as well. Taking a daily vitamin will increase your intake of essential minerals like iron and will help with absorption.

Better Than Greens and EmergenC are two natural products that are great for anemics. Better Than Greens is a whole food supplement that comes in powder form. You mix it with water or juice and then drink it. Better Than Greens provides plenty of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. EmergenC is also a powdered drink mix but comes in fruity flavors like tropical punch and lemon lime. EmergenC also offers plenty of helpful nutrients that help boost your immune system giving you more energy and helping you stay healthy.

Eating fish and other lean meats may help increase iron absorption as well. In addition to eating healthier and taking a multivitamin adding a little bit of exercise to your daily routine will not hurt either. Aerobic exercise is great for the heart and lungs and even helps clean the blood. When you exercise aerobically (at an accelerated heart rate, for at least 20 mintues) Your heart pumps more oxygenated blood to your major organs and brain.

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There is more oxygen because you are breathing deeper and with intention during exercise and oxygen stimulates healing. Anemia will dissapear when you are in firm control of your diet and nutrient intake. When following this advice you should start to feel better in about one weeks time, in two weeks you may notice you abound with energy, and in a month you will probably look and feel better than ever. Overcoming anemia doesn’t have to be a struggle. With a healthy diet and plenty of exercise you too can stop being plauged by anemia. Good luck!
