Classical Music: For Relaxation and Healing

No matter where we are on this vast globe, stress is a major factor in our lives. It begins at birth and shadows us through life till death. Whether we’re at work, school, home or at the mall, stress follows us, often in the form of a dark cloud. But with all we have to do in our busy day-to-day lives, is there a way to reduce at least some of the stress that affects us?

Thankfully there is, and it comes through the beauty of classical music. It can relieve anxiety and physical tension, lower blood pressure and calm your mind. Doctors are now being to realize that by using classical music as part of their treatments, it has helped patients not only stay healthy but also recover more quickly from illness.

There are actually several ways in which to use classical music so that you can relax and heal or rejuvenate yourself. We’ve been told that music relaxation and inner peace are synonymous; so let’s look into some ways to add this inner peace in our life and of those we love.

Since the need for relaxation starts at the beginning of our very existence, why not use classical music during pregnancy, as well as for the birthing process and thereafter. Mozart in particular can provide a calming experience for both mother and child during this very special time. After reducing the long nights of pacing the floor with a newborn, even the few unsettling ones can be helped by the calming sounds of classical music, perfect for relaxing both the weary parent and the fussy child.

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Moving forward several years, your child is now ready for school. Studies show that because there is a positive correlation between music and learning, classical music in the classroom is a plus. Since listening to music is an activity that gets the whole brain involved, it allows us to put information into our long-term memory more easily than without it. And just imagine, less stress during homework time will help focus the child on his/her studies, and give you a sense of calmness too, especially if you need to help them with their work.

Is mealtime a fiasco in your home? Try listening to classical music while you eat. The benefits are many, as studies have shown it causes people savor their food more so they eat less. It helps digestion, which in turn allows other healthful benefits to take place in your body as a whole.

Want a romantic evening but too stress or tired after a long day to go out? Why not put on some classical music, relax and create your own magical night at home?

Some have found it to be helpful to combine classical music with their meditation and yoga routines. Adding aromatherapy techniques to the soothing sounds of classical music can enhance the peaceful experience too.

What about those who suffer from various health conditions and afflictions? Although we are not claiming that listening to classical music is a panacea, it can certainly help to relax and help ease the pain of the one suffering, giving them a renewed sense of well-being in some cases.

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The Bristol Cancer Centre in the United Kingdom found that classical music helps to alleviate not only the stress, but also the distress of their patients, encouraging them to come to terms with their condition and help them to accept what is taking place within their bodies.

Some of the classical music that is suggested for relaxation:
Beethoven’s Violin Sonata No.5, Brahms’ Symphony No. 3, Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 2, Dvorak’s Cello Concerto, Vivaldi’s Oboe Concerto and Four Seasons and Wagner’s Evening Star.

Of course there is much more of a wide variety to choose from when it comes to classical music. Whichever type you decide on, it is sure to relax you and help you unwind, leaving the stressful world outside and far away.