Cingular Wireless Cell Phone Plan Benefits

I have written this article to share with you about what I have learned about being a Cingular customer. If you are choosing a cell phone provider, this article will help you.

I am very pleased with my Cingular plan (now AT&T;) for many reasons.

The first and foremost is that I have had great success with the customer service representatives. To me, customer service is the single most important thing. I want to be treated respectfully when I am purchasing a vendor’s goods. If I am not treated well, the US economic system will allow me to go elsewhere. I have had great success with customer service at Cingular. Because of this, I have remained their customer.

Everyone has preferences and other phone plans will work better for them. I am sharing the reasons I love my Cingular plan and each person may decide what works best for them. Here are the many other reasons I love my Cingular plan:

1. I have great reception on my Cingular phone in Central Illinois. However, I went to a conference an the Billy Graham retreat center in North Carolina and I noticed my phone didn’t work well there. The people with Verizon phones got better reception.

2. I can talk phone to phone for free. My husband, 2 brothers, future sister-in-law, 2 Uncles, 2 Aunts, Mom, Dad all have Cingular phones. Anytime I call any of them, it is free. These are the people I talk to the most, so I get many minutes free because of the great phone-to-phone network.

3. If I find an error on my bill, the customer service staff with credit and take care of it for me. It may take one billing cycle to come off of my bill, but they will take care of it.

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4. The customer service staff is always happy to help and very friendly. They always answer my questions in detail and explain a policy when I want to know why. I have always had great success with the friendly service.

5. The customer service staff is very knowledgeable. I have always had a customer service representative who is knowledgeable answer my questions. If the representative doesn’t know the answer to my question, they will say they don’t know and direct me towards where to find more information. The representatives don’t pretend to know anything. I like that.

6. They have an inexpensive unlimited internet plan.

When you are choosing your phone plan, this article may help you. Cingular is who I recommend and above are the reasons why it is the service I believe in. I have had several dropped calls, however. So if this is the reason you plan to go with Cingular, I would not go based on the advertisement “the fewest drop calls”. Based on the number of dropped calls I have had with Cingular, I would not recommend their company if this is the main reason you plan to go with their plan.