Cingular Wireless Cell Phone Service Review

My wife and I have been customers of Cingular Wireless since they took over Bellsouth a few years ago. We were pleased with the service Bellsouth gave us and were a little hesitant to go with a company we had not heard much about. We considered switching to another, well known company, but decided to stay with Cingular for the time being. It’s a decision we have not regretted.

Bellsouth was always good about providing exceptional customer service and Cingular had carried on that tradition without fail. Recently, we had to order new phones. The phone I was using was over 5 years old. My newer phone was having issues due it being dropped and young children playing with it. The older phone did not have a loud ring volume and I often missed calls on it. My wife contacted Cingular about getting new phones and worked out an arrangement with the customer service representative. The phones would be shipped along with some Bluetooth accessory packages. When she called the next day to check the status of the order, it was determined that since we were existing customers and not new customers, the person she placed the order with could not fulfill it. She was transferred to another representative to place the order again. Skeptical as usual, she checked the next day and found a similar problem. It took a few phones call, but the representatives at Cingular Wireless were always kind and friendly. Neither of us encountered any hostility from the representatives we spoke with.

Because of the confusion, Cingular gave us rebates on two new phones and the accessory packages. The amount we paid was credited to our Cingular Account. As it turns out, we made money on the deal since the money covered three months worth of bills along with 2 phones and 2 accessory packages. That’s in addition to the $100 in rebates we sent in. Few companies make it so the customer can benefit by staying with them. Cingular Wireless went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure we were happy with what we were getting. The amazing part of this is that the representatives at Cingular are the ones who suggested we do it this way. We didn’t have to ask for incentives to stay with them, they freely gave them to us. Cingular Wireless is a company who truly appreciates customer satisfaction and is willing to take a loss to keep a customer a happy member of the Cingular Wireless family.

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In terms of signal strength and dropped calls, we’ve have been pleased with the service we receive from Cingular Wireless. We do run into areas where we lose calls or get a lot of static, but these areas are normally rural in nature and often hilly. Usually, the interference lasts for only a couple of moments before disappearing. With previous phones, we were not able to use Cingular Wireless service from within our house. Since we’ve gotten newer phones, this has not been an issue, something I attribute to the phones and not Cingular Wireless.

Overall, we have been very pleased with the service we have received from Cingular Wireless. We’ve had offers to switch to other cell phone services during our over five years with Cingular, but have refused to pursue these due to our satisfaction with Cingular. Being a large company, sometimes customers get lost in the shuffle. It was reassuring to know that Cingular was willing to go out of their way to make the customer experience better, even at their own expense. I would recommend Cingular Wireless to anyone as a top notch Cell Phone Service.
