Cingular Go Phones’ “Other” Feature

Advances in technology progress by the nanosecond. The theory that one day our technological advances will lead to the creation of machines with such superior intelligence that they will have the capability to take over the world–or at least our cell phones, has been widely exploited in novels and movies. I think I may have purchased one of those.

When I moved from the East to the Midwest, I kept my old cell phone number even though it contained a different area code than the one I would soon be living in, because I still maintain my previous residence and return to visit with friends and relatives several times a year. It was just a matter of convenience for me. A short while after moving I realized that it was becoming too much of a hassle for me to have to dial my new area code just to make a local call. Storing every number dialed is not feasible, so I decided to purchase an additional phone. Cingular had a good sale on Go Phones for $10.00. A terrific price! The phone is great and has all the features I like–text, instant and picture messaging, and internet access. The pay as you go plan is ideal for a second phone. I had no idea what other capabilities I was soon to discover in my talented new toy!

Day 1 With My New Phone: While out shopping, I heard music coming from my purse and thought I was receiving a call. To my surprise, it wasn’t a new call. I had somehow connected to the internet–and was being charged for it! I assumed that some of the groceries I had piled into my cart may have been too close to my purse and accidentally leaned against the button that had to be pushed in order to access the web. I disconnected immediately, checked out and went home.

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Day 2 With My New Phone: I was on my way to an appointment when the music began to play. I removed the phone from my purse, and there I was, on the net again. My purse had been lying alone in the center of the passenger’s seat. The cell phone was in a large outer pouch with plenty of room and no pressure on it. The only way I could have ended up online again, was for the MEdia Net function to have been automatically activated by some internal process! I began to wonder if this would have happened if I had purchased a flip phone. My old phone is not a flip phone (I do not like them), and I have accidentally piled suitcases, groceries, and God only knows what else on top of it without ever encountering any problems.

Day 3 With My New Phone: With my cell phone lying all alone in the center of the passenger seat, nothing around it, and no CD’s playing to distract me from listening for that now familiar sound, I embarked on my 2 hour trek to the nearest mall–the price one pays for living in a rural area. About 20 minutes into my journey, there it was again…music. When I picked up my phone, I could not believe my eyes. I was online AGAIN! When I returned home, I called AT & T and someone from their customer service department explained to me that the button one has to press in order to connect to the net was very sensitive and may have been activated by a seatbelt brushing up against it. As I explained above, the phone was lying in the middle of the passenger seat with nothing near it! The representative made some recommendations that may have helped, like purchasing a cover for the phone. In my opinion, covers fall into the same category as flip phones–no thanks. I love my new phone and did not want to return it. Navigation is simple, I enjoy the features, and, aside from its penchant for the internet, it works fine.

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Conclusion: I decided that the customer service representative was probably accurate in describing the key pad as super sensitive. The only other explanation would be that my SIM card contains an advanced form of intelligence that enjoys surfing the web. Hey, it has to start somewhere! My phone is now locked.