Chromotherapy, Healing with Color

Chromotherapy also known as color healing; has been used by many ancient civilizations. This healing therapy uses the seven basic colors of the body chakras merged with the electromagnetic energy of visible colored light. Each chakra has a corresponding color. When our body is sick, the colors in these areas change. Using color therapy helps to restore the balance to the body.

If you are not familiar with how to raise the inner energy of light and transfer it to the effect area, you will need to get assistance from a holistic practitioner. Whatever form you choice to use, remember you are using this form of healing to achieve balance within the body. Use slowly and repeat over several days. Do not over stimulate the chakra this will cause damage and not balance. Reiki should be used with color healing for the full healing affects.

There are many ways to use color healing:

Colored water: can be used by tinting bath water with the appropriate color, or by charging water with a particular color, this water is then drunk. You can make color charged water by wrapping the colored tissue paper or colored saran wrap around a clear jug of spring water. Place the jar in the sun for a full day concentrating on the healing energy of the color. This water is then drunk for a period of days.

Colored light: can be used by directing light throw colored paper, glass or crystal wands onto the affected area. This should be done for a few minutes on the first day and gradually increased over several days. I found that using a flashlight helps direct the light through the colored crystal wands to the affect area easier then portable standing lamps. I also prefer this method when using distant color healing.

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Gemstones: gemstones should be cleaned in spring water and sunlight or moon light, depending on the stone for a full day before use. Gemstones are placed on the corresponding chakra for several minutes for several days.

Visual colored light: painting rooms certain colors to achieve an emotional state, such as interrogation rooms that are painted blue, in hopes for the truth. Lighting certain colored candles for their magical intentions. Wearing jewelry made of gemstones for their color healing properties. This is probably the most used form of color healing.

Chakras and their corresponding properties:

1st. Root chakra is located at the base of the spine. Its corresponding color is red. Heals; the spinal column, legs, feet, male sexual organs, blood disorders, bones, teeth, large intestines and emotional illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Red is also used for courage, survival, strength and passion.

2nd. Chakra spleen is located in the lower abdomen. Color is orange. Heals; the reproductive system in both male and female, gonad gland, kidney and gallbladder. Restores emotions in intimacy, stimulates new ideas and removes negative thoughts.

3rd chakra solar plexus; located in the stomach. Healing color is yellow. Heals; the liver, pancreas, metabolism, small intestines, nervous system, skin troubles, diabetes and stimulates intellect.

4th heart chakra; located in the center of the chest. Healing color is green. Heals; the heart, lungs, arms, hands, respiratory thymus gland and muscles. Encourages; social abilities, and emotions.

5th throat chakra; located in the throat. Healing color is blue. Heals the thyroid gland, throat, vocal system, moth, neck, shoulders, menstrual cycle, encourages knowledge and communication.

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6th brow chakra; located in the center of the forehead. Healing color is indigo, heals; memory, intuition, psychic abilities, pituitary gland, eyes, nose, ears, sinuses, brain and eyes.

7th crown chakra; located at the top of the head. Healing color is violet. Heals pineal gland, central nervous system, depression, installs wisdom.
