The Dog Chakras

Dogs, like humans, have chakras. The chakras located in all animals’ bodies can be awakened the same way as a human’s chakras can be. The Etheric chakra system is found in all animals. Dogs have 21 minor chakras, seven primary chakras, and 6 bud chakras. The six bud chakras are found in the four paw pads and in both ears. The minor chakras and the bud chakras are much smaller points of energy but are extremely important to the vitality and overall well being of the animal. The importance of these chakras and energy centers should not be disregarded in anyway. These minor chakras assist the primary chakras and help for overall relaxation in the animal. The difference between chakras in animals and humans is that animal chakras do not always associated with a color. Human chakras can almost always be linked to a specific color. This is not so with animal chakras they very rarely have a color.

In dogs all the major chakras are present and fully developed however just like in humans they may not all be awakened. There are three chakras that are opened at birth and remain open throughout the course of the dogs life. These cannot be closed. They are the root, the solar plexus, and the crown chakra. The heart chakra is also opened in rare cases. The heart chakra does have a light associated to it, it is a very dim shade of white which is turned a green color when it is awakened. The heart chakra is only seen in rare cases with dogs. Also few dogs are able to open their throat chakra, their spleen chakra, and their third eye chakra. The root chakra plays an important role in a dogs life. This is where communication comes from in the animal world. The opening of this chakra allows for barking, “talking”, and any other noises that the dog or animal makes.

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All of the chakras and the sensory points on dogs play an overwhelming role in their behavior. It it typical for animals to rub against tress, the ground, other animals, or even humans to stimulate and awaken their solar plexus and root chakra. They also do this to ground themselves to the earth. The chakras in the paw pads play an extremely important role in the dogs life. These chakras guide them to harmonious energy. The chakras in the tail also aid in the search for harmonious ground. When the desired energy is found the animal will lie down and soak in the energy. They open up their chakras to the absorption of the good energy.

Like in humans, animal chakras are linked to specific organs and more importantly specific problems. Exactly like in humans, by focusing on the chakra that is “in charge” of the problem the animal can be healed and the problem can be eliminated. All animals have the same chakras in the same location. No matter what breed or even type of animal. The chakra positions remain the same. Chakra healing can be used as an alternative to veterinary medicine to heal or enhance any animals state of life and well being.


Reiki Forum–Animal Chakras