Choosing Paint Colors for a Kid’s Bedroom

Choosing paint colors for your kid’s bedroom can be challenging, especially with so many different colors and shades available. Older children are likely to want some input on the final choice as well. A question was posted recently at the interior design advice forum that my colleagues and I offer expert advice on. A woman wanted to know what color would be a good choice for a boy-girl, preteen’s bedroom. (I noticed how she avoided using the word “tween”. Her kids probably hate the word as much as mine does.) One of the colors she was considering is called Pecan Sandie, a warm, neutral shade somewhere between beige and brown.

Play it safe with neutrals.

Most parents are aware how often kids like to change their mind about things they like and dislike. Characters, television shows or even movies that they adore at a certain age may become their biggest pet peeve the next year, or sometimes even less. This can sometimes happen with their favorite colors, too.

While it is natural for kids to outgrow things, you may find that repainting their bedroom walls every six months is just not an option. If you’re worried that your nine-year-old daughter may hate her carnation pink bedroom walls by the time she’s 10, you may opt for a neutral color palette. The nice thing about neutrals is that you can accessorize or accent the room with your child’s favorite color. Then, when your kid decides green is the bomb and blue is just plain boring, you may only have to update the trim, buy new bedding or change the wallpaper border.

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A neutral color palette may also be the best choice for the woman who was considering Pecan Sandie for her kids’ bedroom walls, since she has a boy and girl who have to share a room. Her son probably wouldn’t go for pink walls and her daughter might not be happy with a blue room. Neutral colors on the walls will allow for more options with bedding and other décor.

Go bold with color.

If you are the crafty, do it yourself type and don’t mind the prospect of repainting a room every couple of years, there’s certainly nothing wrong with trying some color on your child’s bedroom walls. The important thing to keep in mind is that the darker you go, the harder it is to come back and repaint the walls in a lighter color. Dark paint colors may require several coats of primer before another color can be painted over them.

If your child chooses a really dark color, such as midnight blue, deep purple or black, another option you can try is painting just one wall as an accent wall. This is a good way to create a focal point. The wall behind the head of the bed makes a great accent wall.

Another thing to consider when using color on bedroom walls is that darker colors may make a room appear smaller, where lighter colors tend to give the illusion of more space. Some people also feel that darker colors can give the room a gloomy atmosphere, while others feel that dark colors make a room appear cozy and warm. It is really a matter of personal preference.

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Dial it in.

Take your kids to your local hardware or home improvement store and let them pick out several sample cards of paint colors. When your daughter asks for purple paint on her walls, there will most likely be many shades of purple she doesn’t like. Bring your sample cards home and try to match the varying shades of each hue with the bedding, window treatments and other décor that will go in the room.

Remember that compromise will also play a role. Painting the entire room in a bright, neon color may be overwhelming. However, using this same color as an accent color could be the solution to a successful collaboration. Get creative with your kids and have fun with it.