How to Transform Your Master Bedroom into a Private Retreat

The master bedroom of a home is for the Mr. and the Mrs. Of the home. It should be like a sanctuary. A place to retreat to at the end of a long day. A room of peace and love. A spot to enjoy life and to relax with the one you love.

The very first step to take in order to turn your master bedroom into a private retreat is to make it private. The children have their own rooms. They get privacy in them. You need privacy in yours too, and should have it. Making the master bedroom a no kids zone allows for you to have a no kids zone. As much as we all love our children it is still nice to have a nice peaceful place to go to relax after caring for them all day long. Even if your children are very well behaved it still is a lot of work to be a parent. Making the master bedroom in your home a no kids zone allows for you and your spouse to have a room in your home just for you.

The next step is to choose a color! That’s right, a color. What color do you want your walls to be? Yellow is cheery and happy, a color producing feelings of energy. Red is a passionate color. Blue is soothing and relaxing, calming and serene. Green is a natural color, and the shades of green towards sage are very nice, elegant, and also so serene. Choose a color that makes you feel good.

Then paint! Remove the furniture from the room, or at least use paint tarps to cover it. Take down wall hangings. Don’t forget to dust them well while they’re down! Put up your painters or masking tape around the molding, windows, and door frames. Also use it to prevent paint from getting on wall border. (Use only painters tape on wall border and do not press it down! It will stick and rip your wall border! Speaking of wall border though, this is the perfect time to replace it with one that you really, really love! Mud any cracks or holes in the wall, then let dry and sand until smooth. Then repaint using a roller and tray. Give a second coat if needed and then let dry.

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Once the walls are done you may want to touch up the ceiling. Don’t think that ceiling have to always be white. Be creative. This is going to be your personal retreat. If you love blue but chose green for the walls then may I suggest you paint the ceiling blue!

Once your walls and ceiling are done it’s time to replace the wall hangings and to decide where the furniture should go if you plan to rearrange. Rearranging is an easy and cost free way to totally change the look of a room. However, if your dresser is falling apart or maybe you’d like to add a new piece of furniture now is the time to do it.

Wall hangings help to create the look of a room. Choose larger sized ones that fit your personalities. Get something you love to look at and hang it in a place that you look at often, such as the wall across the room from your bed.

Add some accessories and you are done. The accessories to add are the things you and your spouse like to use and do. Make them functional. This is a retreat, a place to be and to spend time. Accessories like books, magazines, Cds, a radio or television, and or some games like phase ten or uno.

That’s it! Your retreat is complete. Now take the time to enjoy it at the end of each day. Share this time with your spouse. Relax and unwind together in the personal and private retreat you’ve created down the hall! Think of how nice it would be to have a place where only you and your spouse could be, alone, together.