Xylitol’s Many Health Benefits

If you have heard anything about the sugar substitute Xylitol, you know that it has been studied in connection with fighting tooth decay for several years. Several new applications for Xylitol have surfaced, however, and there are now numerous Xylitol health benefits that you might want to consider.

Oral Health

According to XylitolCanada.com, the oral Xylitol health benefits range from curing gingivitis to fighting cavities. Essentially, Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that does not ferment on the teeth, but bonds with the proteins that carry calories to bacteria. When you use Xylitol after eating, you can effectively stop tooth decay.

Other oral Xylitol health benefits include fighting gum disease. Xylitol is a natural agent in re-mineralization, which makes both teeth and gums stronger and more capable of fighting plaque. This substance might also help with fighting infection in the mouth and even combating fungal and yeast infections.

Bone Health

Xylitol health benefits also include the bones, mostly because of the re-mineralization effects mentioned above. Patients with osteoporosis are often encouraged to ingest small amounts of Xylitol to help strengthen bones and increase bone density. Although these studies are not yet proof, they do suggest that this substance is effective.

Additionally, it though that Xylitol health benefits include calcium absorption, which aids in bone density. If the body is able to use the calcium it receives, the loss of bone density will be slowed or even stopped.

Other Health Benefits

All of the Xylitol health benefits are not yet known. Obviously, new studies are initiated all the time to explore how Xylitol might make our lives easier or more healthy, but the evidence is not yet conclusive. Some studies suggest that Xylitol aids in collagen production, which means that its use in lotions and other skin products may be helpful.

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Xylitol is also approved for people with diabetes and hypoglycemia as a sugar substitute. It is non-carcinogenic, which makes it preferable over artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Equal, and it has far fewer calories than regular table sugar. It will also not disrupt an individual’s blood sugar, which makes it much safer.

If you are interested in Xylitol health benefits, you can check out the numerous Xylitol products on the market today. These include everything from chewing gum to toothpaste to nasal spray, and it is even found in certain dietary supplements.

You should know, however, that excessive consumption of Xylitol can decrease health benefits or stall them completely. It will also cause mild to severe gastric distress, which usually results in diarrhea. Some researchers say that the gastric complications will stop once the body adjusts to an increase in Xylitol, but talk to your doctor before making any decisions.


XylitolCanada.com, XYLITOL & ORAL HEALTH