Celestial Seasonings “Sleepytime” Tea

I have had recurring problems with insomnia over the past three years and, frankly, did not want to involve myself with any prescription drug to remedy the issue. The chief reason is that I did not want to become addicted or suffer any needless side-effects due to using an allopathic medication. When I had tried one such medication a few years back, I did not like the “spaced-out” feeling I had the following day, so I was eagerly seeking an alternative solution.

When someone suggested to me that a herbal tea product would yield fast and satisfactory results, I was skeptical, but willing to try something novel to assist me in getting the needed slumber I desired. By that time, I was tired of being tired and desperate for an answer.

The product my friend recommended to me was “Sleepytime” tea, made by Celestial Seasonings, the biggest manufacturer of herbal teas in the U.S. and a product I had seen and ignored on numerous occasions at the grocery store.

To make a long story short, I used the product and it worked extremely well for me. I just steeped the tea bag I used in boiling water, added honey and sipped away. That night I was easily able to drift off to sleep and, when I did awaken, there was no grogginess or mental fog, as there might have been with a prescription medication for insomnia.. I felt alert and refreshed.

Sleepytime” tea contains all natural ingredients: chamomile, spearmint, lemon grass, orange blossoms, hawthorn berries, blackberry leaves, rosebuds and tilia flowers. It has no caffeine or preservatives and is gluten-free, which makes it pretty healthy stuff. The fact that it tastes good is an added bonus.

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I find it to be very calming and, since I am frequently keyed up at the end of a stressful day, this product is a God-send. Now, whenever I find myself unable to wind down at night or my nerves are on edge, I fix myself a cup of “sleepytime.” My husband jokingly says now that I can “sleep through an air raid.” Given the fact that my insomnia also kept him awake as well, he is as happy as I am that I have discovered this marvelous product.

(It is not addictive, just in case you’re wondering!)

Sleepytime” and other Celestial Seasonings teas can be purchased online at their website or you can probably find it in your local grocery store or health food store. I only testify about something I have used successfully myself, so I highly recommend Celestial Seasonings “Sleepytime” tea to all my fellow insomniacs or to those who simply want something healthy to help you relax.
