Candy Multi Colored Coral: Won’t Stand out in the Pet Store

There are many different types of corals that you can choose to pick from. Some of them are soft corals and some of them are hard corals. Soft corals are recommended for people who are new to the hobby and they are wanting to purchase a new coral for the first time to see if they can keep it alive. Hard corals are more for people who have experience when it comes to keeping coral alive. They will purchase this type of coral for the colors and diversity. Some hard corals are not as hard to take care of as some other types of hard corals. Hard corals will require more light, filtration and supplements than the soft corals will need. There are many different types of hard coral to choose from. One type of hard coral is known as the Candy Coral and it is multi colored.

This coral will stand out in the pet stores. It’s very hard not to notice a Candy Coral. This coral is often times a light orange and a yellow circle in the middle of the coral. That is why it gets the name Candy Coral. It looks somewhat like a piece of candy. This coral has two different colors and it’s usually only found in orange and yellow. This is good because you wont spend your whole life looking for a specific color of this type of coral. You have no choice but to get the only color available!

Like most other types of hard corals, this coral will require a decent amount of water movement and a good amount of light. If you have a good light, you will want to keep the coral in the middle of the tank or even at the bottom of the tank, to save some room for your other hard corals which require more light than the Candy Coral. You will also need to place this coral next to your filter where it can get a good amount of water movement. If you don’t see the coral getting enough water movement you can always move the Candy Coral around until you notice it moving more.

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If you want to keep the Candy Coral alive you will need to keep the salinity at between 1.023 to 1.025. You will need to purchase a hydrometer so that you can check your salinity in your tank frequently when it comes time to do a water change. You will also want to keep the temperature around 72 to 78 degrees. You will need to purchase a heater to make sure the water doesn’t get too cold. Coral doesn’t do well in water that is under 72 degrees and it will not survive in water that is well over 78 degrees. Make sure that your temperature does not vary more than a couple of degrees per day. You will need to make sure that the fish tank is not located next to windows or heating vents. Purchase a timer and set it to come on and shut off after about 5 or 6 hours in order to stop an algae problem from starting. Algae will cause the Candy Coral to decay if it gets stuck to the coral.