Can Pepper Cure Asthma?

Many people are born with asthma while others develop it later in life. Asthma is a chronic, and often times life threatening condition that affects the lungs and air passages. Inflammation occurs and an asthma attack results in breathing passages constricting. A person suffering an asthma attack will be unable to draw in sufficient oxygen.

Some foods, spices and herbs are helpful in warding off attacks. Many herbalists and alternative medicine practitioners believe peppers are such an herb. Black pepper spices have also been noted to be of significant value in controlling or eliminating asthma attacks.

Severe Asthma

Many of the sources listed below claim that various types of pepper will relief asthma symptoms and in fact cure the patient of the asthma all together. Be aware that a severe asthma attack should be considered a medical emergency and proper medical attention may be needed to help the person breath.

Use of these herbs and spices may help ease the symptoms when used in conjunction with normal inhalers and medications prescribed by your doctor. Filling your daily diet with peppers will be beneficial in cutting down the number of attacks you may have. When using alternative medications, always have a rescue inhaler available, incase the attack is severe and the pepper doesn’t help.

Different Types of Pepper

Minor asthma attacks can be controlled or avoided safely with the use of pepper. The pepper can be in various forms such as black pepper, cayenne pepper or even green bell peppers. These peppers can be ingested alone, or by adding them to drinks or other herbs.

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A diet filled with a constant supply of pepper in any of these forms will be beneficial in keeping asthma symptoms in check, and may actually cure any further attacks, according to the sourced web sites.

If an attack is felt in the early stages, eat several strips of green bell pepper. This may ward off a full blown attack. You can also add a ½ teaspoon of black pepper to a teaspoon of honey and swallow this down. Dry pepper mixed with turmeric will also help ease an asthma attack.

According to, the use of cayenne pepper will cure asthma symptoms within a month. 2 to 4 cayenne peppers should be added to the asthmatic’s daily diet. While these peppers would be extremely hot to ingest by them self, they can be added to any number of foods, or in a salad.

Why Pepper’s Reportedly Works

It would seem strange that the very herb that makes many people sneeze by just coming into contact with it would help to ease breathing problems. A high fiber diet will help ease asthmatic symptoms, and will keep the air passages free of inflammation. Pepper has a high fiber property, and that is possibly why it is so quick acting.

The fiber helps to keep the air passages free of inflammation, thus easing the wheezing symptoms. The diet should be monitored to avoid as many inflammation, or phlegm causing foods as possible. Milk and bananas are foods that cause a lot of phlegm to build in the throat and lungs. Avoid these foods, or add pepper to them to help clear the air passages.

See also  Natural Remedies for Asthma

Note: Asthma is a dangerous, sometimes life threatening condition. This article is for informational purposes only. Any severe asthmatic conditions should be overseen by a doctor, and one should always have an inhaler available.
