Histapenia (Low Histamine)

Histamine the same chemical responsible for allergic reactions and giving us our symptoms of having a cold/flu (runny/stuffy nose, headache, earache, sore throat etc) is also a neurotransmitter in the brain. It helps to regulate our thought processes and intuition.

Histamine speeds up cellular metabolism leading to easily obtainable lean body weight. Those with low histamine may generally have trouble losing weight or have a ‘pear-shaped body. This body-shape caused by low histamine levels can even resemble that of a chronic alcoholic aka the beer gut. The nice thing is though, low histamine people dubbed Histapenics are also amazingly healthy in every almost every other aspect. Histapenics have alot of, some would call an excess, of body hair. This is because their skin is not necessarily heated so the increased hair will preserve body temperature. Histapenics have a very high pain threshold, in that some don’t even feel pain much if at all.

The real problem with having low histamine does not stem from any physical abnormalties, it is the brain that is offset by low histamine. Because Histamine regulates dopamine in the brain, histapenics commonly have very high dopamine levels due to under regulation. This can lead to thought disorders or hallucinations. Paranoia or even paranoid schizophrenia is a common presentation in the Histapenic, as well as excessive worry that may lead to a panic attack. The distinction anxiety-wise between Histapenics and Histadelics (high histamine) is evidence of anxiety to others (outward, or internal) and existence of compulsions. Histapenics worry about things obsessively without performing a compulsion, or they may get lost in their own fantasies. Histadelics are highly bothered by their intrusive thoughts and feel obligated to eliminate them. Histapenics are noted for having brilliant and grandiose ideas/plans but no energy to carry them out. This combination of character traits defines the histapenic as having an intelligent mind but also – existing mental obstacles impede the full potential for success.

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Histamine is also highly influential on one’s sex drive or libido. Histapenics commonly suffer from low libido and male histapenics have delayed ejaculation. Other neuroendocrine abnormalties may be found in the histapenic, due to underactive metabolism. These abnormalties may include blood sugar disturbances, thyroid disorders, restless legs syndrome. There is an ironic point to be noted about the Histapenic, seasonal allergies and pet allergies may be absent, but food allergies can be a real problem for Histapenics. Some histapenics may have gluten allergies, wheat and/or dairy sensitivities. Peanuts and other nuts are also common food allergies for the Histapenic.

As with anything, a balance in histamine is key to well-being. If you suspect low histamine as a cause of any afformentioned symptoms, I reccommend blood testing on both Histamine and Copper levels. Copper destroys histamine so lowering Copper may help to improve histamine levels. Manganese and Zinc remove excess Copper, but L-Histidine may also help as it is a direct precursor to histamine.
