Building a Homemade Backyard Sandbox

Building a homemade sandbox gives your children a fun place to play right there in your own backyard. Backyard sandboxes can be made out of a number of objects, such as a tractor tire or kiddie pool. Follow these tips and your child will soon have a homemade backyard sandbox of their own to enjoy.

Building a homemade backyard sandbox: Choosing a site

Choose a flat area as the site for your new homemade backyard sandbox. The location you choose should be out of direct sunlight and visible from inside the house so you can watch your kids while they play. To get the area ready for a backyard sandbox, first mow the lawn as short as possible, then cover it with weed control fabric. The weed control fabric is porous enough to allow for drainage of the sandbox, but will still choke off the lawn so that nothing will grow through.

Building a homemade backyard sandbox: How much sand?

Of course, you will need plenty of sand to make a good backyard sandbox. Even a small four-foot wide sandbox will require approximately 12,500 pounds of sand. Local landscaping or construction companies may be able to help you find large quantities of sand at a discount. If not, you may have to purchase individual 50 pound bags of sand from a home improvement store like Home Depot or Lowe’s. If you are unsure how much sand you will need, ask a landscaper or architect to look at your design and give you an estimate.

Building a homemade backyard sandbox: Raised bed planter boxes

A raised bed backyard sandbox is a wooden frame that sits above the ground. Many home or garden stores sell pre-made raised bed sandbox kits that you can assemble at home. You can also use a raised planter and simply fill it with sand. The planter kits will give you more choices of style and materials. There are raised bed planter kits available in wood, composite wood, plastic, and faux brick or stonework. Once your children are grown and done playing in their backyard sandbox, you can then remove the sand and convert the raised bed into a normal planter box.

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Building a homemade backyard sandbox: Plastic kiddie pools

The least expensive method for creating your own backyard sandbox is to use an inflatable plastic kiddie pool. The drawback to using a kiddie pool is that the plastic may not be strong enough to handle the sand’s weight and the abuse it may take from children playing in the backyard sandbox. You can reinforce your kiddie pool backyard sandbox by digging a few inches down into the ground before setting it up. Be sure to poke holes in the kiddie pool’s plastic bottom to allow for drainage.

Building a homemade backyard sandbox: Tractor tires

A tractor tire is an easy way to make a homemade backyard sandbox. You simply have to place the tire in your desired location and fill it up with sand. If you live in a hot climate, you may want to paint or cover the tire so the black rubber does not absorb too much heat.