How to Keep Your Child’s Favorite Kiddie Pool Clean This Summer

Now that it’s time for swimming pool season, you may be wondering how in the world to keep your new kiddie pool clean and safe for your children to enjoy. Kiddie pools are usually ignored by the pool cleaning companies. You may be able to find a few kiddie pool cleaners on the market, but no where near as many as for bigger swimming pools. Kiddie pools need almost as much cleaning attention as the bigger pools do, more attention in my opinion. So just how do you keep you child’s favorite kiddie pool clean this summer? Here are a few tips to help you do just that so that!

Start Out Clean – Always start your summer swimming season with a sparkling clean pool. By doing this you will prevent yourself the headache of watching dirt floating around while you are filling your kiddie pool, which will make more work for yourself when you have to clean that dirt out.

Keep Feet Clean – It is so hard to keep small children from getting in and out of the kiddie pool, but it is very helpful in keeping the kiddie pool clean. You could set a run beside the pool to keep feet cleaner. You could set out some cardboard from an old box, we recently used a new vacuum cleaner box. You could even set out a bucket of water for the children to dip their feet in before getting into the kiddie pool. Anything that you can think of to get those little feet clean before getting into the pool is a good idea.

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Bathroom Breaks – One of the biggest problems with kiddie pools is the lack of a filtration system. Because of this you need to worry about the potty accidents that your children may have in the kiddie pool. There is no filtration to clean urine out of the pool water. So always make sure that your kids get out for regular bathroom breaks. Potty accidents in the kiddie pool can cause a health hazard to all of the children enjoying the pool. So be as deligent as you possibly can.

Chemicals – We all know that the bigger pools require doses of chemicals, like algeacide, chlorine, etc, and so do kiddie pools. Only in much smaller portions. You will want to purchase a water testing kit, read all of the instructions before using, and any pool chemicals that you may need. Never add chemicals to any pool when there are people in the pool and always allow plenty of time between chemical dosing and swimming. Too many chemicals can cause skin and eye irritation.

Know Your Kiddie Pool Size – Knowing the size of your kiddie pool is very important when it comes to adding chemicals to the water. Since a kiddie pool only holds up to approximately 4,000 gallons you will only need a fraction of the chemicals needed for bigger swimming pools. Always know how much water your kiddie pool has in it before adding any chemicals.

A Pool Cleaning Kit – Lastly, I suggest that you invest in a simple pool cleaning kits. A cleaning net can be so very useful when trying to keep a kiddie pool clean. You’ll be able to scoop out any debris that has entered into the pool much easier than without a net. If you have a small pool vacuum you will be able to vacuum up anything that has settled onto the bottom of the pool.

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Unfortunately, kiddie pools don’t have filters like the bigger pools do, so we have to be the filter for it. It is up to us, adults, to make sure that the kiddie pool is clean and safe for our children. No matter how clean the kiddie pool looks, the bottom can be covered in algea and slime. Very unhealthy and could cause physical injury if anyone were to slip on it. If all else fails, drain your pool, wash it out and start over. Be consistant with your kiddie pool cleaning routine and you will have a sparkling clean, and healthier to play in, kiddie pool for everyone to enjoy this summer.

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