Bodybuilding Athletes: Choose Music Wisely

Bodybuilders and fitness athletes have the liberty of using their own music for posing and fitness routines. However, most natural organizations allow everyone competing to bring their own music, too. Although your music is your choice choose your music wisely. It sets the tone of your posing routine or stage walk. Your music dictates speed and personality on stage; as well as confidence. Unfortunately, it can also cause disqualifications.

The tempo of the music can dictate speed

In essence, most people walk/move fast to fast music. Females doing stage walks to fast, upbeat music usually walk with the music’s tempo and forget to slow down and take their time on stage. There’s nothing wrong with upbeat, fun music, but walking across the stage like a speeding bullet is not the look you want to establish.

Bodybuilders who choose music that is too fast do the same while posing. They pose too quickly, which makes it difficult for judges to see the posing and musculature on stage. Poses should be precise and crisp to enhance muscles, not detract from them because you’re trying to keep up with music.

Here’s example: Alien Ant Farm’s version of “Smooth Criminal” is great, but can you keep up with it? Or, will you look like you’re having a seizure instead?

[Click here for video “Smooth Criminal”]

Music brings out personality

Music is very personal, and a song that fits your personality accentuates it. A song that makes you feel good can make you feel great on stage. If the song is debatable, and you’re not sure it fits your personality, choose a new song. There are millions of songs to choose from so don’t feel obligated to a top 10 list.

See also  Top 10 80's Cover Songs

If the music does not add to your confidence; it’s time to ditch it, also.

Don’t get disqualified over music

Just as music can create a great backdrop for a posing routine it can be the basis for disqualification. Music with profanity is inappropriate for the stage. Many competitors have families with young children in the crowd, and they don’t want their kids to hear profanity. In fact, many adults don’t care for profane music so stay away from it. It certainly won’t help you in the long run.

Think twice before using certain songs

Some songs just seem out of place on stage. The posing may be just right, but the song doesn’t fit in with its surrounding. For example, Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On” has been used on stage countless times, but it always seems out of place. If the music makes you feel out of place find another one.

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Lisa White is an ISSA and AFPA pre- and post natal Certified Personal Trainer, and owner of CPT Lisa M. Whiteâ„¢. She was previously a health club and sports nutrition store owner.
