Best Pet Snakes for Your Children

Has your son or daughter all of sudden come up to you and asked you for a pet? Not a pet that your use to like a dog or a cat, but have asked to get a pet snake. Well if this is the case and you really want to make your child happy, read this article and pay attention. Buying a snake for a child is not the same as going to the pet store and picking out a puppy or kitten. There are specific snakes for specific age groups. I myself love snakes, I have two beautiful pythons, one that is 13 feet and the other that is 10 feet. These snakes that I have are not children snakes. The snakes that you want to look for are the corn snakes and royal pythons. Below I will explain the two and what you need to get started.

The Corn Snake is one of the species of a rat snake. Corn snakes go after their prey by slowly moving towards them then wrapping their body around it and eventually suffocating them. This is called constricting and is a basic instinct for this snake which will do this in captivity as well as in the wild. Called the corn snake because of it’s pattern on the belly, this snake is very docile and makes an excellent first pet for any child who is capable and knows how to take care of them. The corn snake can grow between 4 and 6 feet in length and can live between 15 and 20 years.

Royal Pythons are excellent snakes to start out with, however you must be sure to buy a Royal Python that has been bred in captivity and not one that has been found in the wild and then tamed. As with any snake, the attitude depends on how they have been raised. All snakes can be aggressive if treated in such a manor. The reason I am telling you to try a Royal Python as a beginner snake is because they only get between 3-4 feet in length, they are very docile and extremely handleable snakes, they are very good feeders, are non problematic, and can be found in basically any reptile store or pet stores that carry snakes.

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Both snakes mentioned above are the best snakes to start out with. Feeding is simple, depending on size, the both snakes can be fed one small, or medium rat per week or every other week. This depends on how fast you want your snake to grow. The more you feed them, the faster they will grow. Once you have your snake, the next thing you need to do is get a cage for them. The best ones I have found are fish tanks, this way the snake can see from all angles and not feel as though they are trapped. Always keep fresh water inside of the tank inside of a small bowl, even though you might not ever see them drink, trust me they do. Next is buying a warming blanket or a heat rock. Since snakes are cold blooded, the need for the heat is essential to their well being. I personally use a heating pad under a towel for my snakes, and both will wrap themselves around it and stay there sometimes for days. Do not worry, that is exactly what they do.

Many people do not like snakes, they think that they are dangerous and what not, however they are no more dangerous than any other animal if you treat them right. I have read many places that snakes have no sense of feelings, I myself disagree, my snakes love to be held, rubbed and bathed. But please remember, they are snakes, they can be aggressive if treated in an aggressive way. One thing I do want to make very clear about snakes is that when feeding this amazing creatures is to keep your hands away from them when feeding is in progress, otherwise you will and I am stressing this, you will be bitten. Snakes go into a feeding frenzy when offered mice or other food, they do not know anything else but that their prey is ready to be eaten.