Sample Baby Gift Thank-You Notes for Clothes

The baby shower is over. You enjoyed the punch, cake, fellowship, and of course, receiving the baby gifts. Now is the time to write those thank-you notes! Thank-you letters show your appreciation and respect. Although not absolutely necessary, they demonstrate good manners.

If you are stumped on how to write a thank you note, these samples might help you. Below are examples of thank you notes for baby clothing. For an added touch, include a picture of your baby wearing the outfit or clothing. This, of course is optional, but will definitely brighten her/his day.

Sample Baby Gift Thank-You Note for an Outfit

Dear Aunt Beverly,

I absolutely adore the winter baby outfit you brought to my shower. It is so cute! Thank-you so much! I am looking forward to dressing Abby in it soon. I am sure she will receive lots of compliments on it. Thank-you!

I hope you are doing well and having a good week. Thank-you so much for coming to my shower. It was great to see you and visit with you. I am so grateful for the support and encouragement you’ve blessed me with throughout my life. I look forward to seeing you sometime again around Christmas.

Thanks again for the beautiful baby outfit!



Sample Baby Gift Thank -You Note for a Hat

Dear Shyra,

Thank-you so much for the cute baby hat for Jeffrey! It is so adorable! I love it. I really like that it is handmade – those are the best baby gift gifts! I have enclosed a picture of him wearing it to church last week. Several people complimented him on it. It keeps his ears warm and matches lots of his clothes – it is a great gift! Thank-you!

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I was so glad you were able to make it to the baby shower. It was great to chat with you, thanks for coming. I look forward to seeing you again this summer for Grandma’s birthday.

Thanks again for the wonderful baby gift!



Sample Baby Gift Thank-You Note for a Dress

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jimenez,

I was thrilled to receive your baby gift in the mail yesterday! Thank-you so much for the adorable baby dresses. It will be so much fun to dress Kendra in them. They will be perfect for summer picnics and outings. Thank-you so much! I will remember you every time she wears them.

We missed you at the baby shower, but completely understand you not being able to come. I hope to see you sometime around Christmas or New Year’s? It will be great to visit and see the boys.

Thanks again for the wonderful baby gifts!



These are just three sample thank-you notes for baby gifts. While a snail mail letter is best, an e-mail or Facebook message is okay if necessary. Thank-you messages allow the sender to know your received your gift and show proper etiquette.

For more thank-you note samples, read “Sample Baby Shower Hostess Thank-You Notes.” Also, check out “Twenty Important Things to Do During Your Pregnancy.” Congratulations!