10 Free Puppy Articles

Years of experience with my rescue dogs taught me that a puppy is only cute at first glance. Then you realize that you have a lot to learn about your new furry friend. So here are 10 puppy articles that cover all the basics from grooming to potty training. Just click the hyperlinks to read your favorites.

#1. How to Groom a Fidgeting Puppy

Grooming a fidgeting puppy can be dangerous, especially if you are grooming his eyes, ears or nose. But if you swaddle the puppy in a protective blanket that hinders his movements, you will be able to give him a safe groom. Read this best puppy article.

#2. How to Potty Train a Puppy with a Daily Routine

Potty training a puppy must accommodate a puppy’s small bladder and short attention span. The following puppy potty-training routine will walk you through a normal day and teach you how and when to potty train your puppy. Read this best puppy article.

#3. 10 Best Puppy Care Tips

Like a furry baby, your puppy depends on you for the best puppy care. From avoiding accidents, to health tips and healthy puppy food practices, be the best parent you can be by following this best puppy care tips. Read this best puppy article.

#4. 10 Tips to Finding the Best Dog Breeder

If you intend to buy a purebred puppy, it’s vital that you find the best dog breeder for the breed. Learn how to find the best dog breeder, and what to focus on when selecting between a few breeders. Read this best puppy article.

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#5. A Puppy Pen Can Simplify Dog Training

Tips to using a puppy pen to simplify dog training or puppy training. You can use a baby crib or a puppy pen to create a smaller living space for your puppy. The pen is where he’ll go when he behaves contrary to the family’s rules. Then when he behaves well, the family gets to embrace the puppy back into its midst. Read this best puppy article.

#6. What Not to Do when Playing with Your Puppy

Puppies are irresistible, but there are things you should not do when playing with your puppy, lest you encourage bad behavior and end up with an unpleasant dog. Read this best puppy article

#7. Stop Puppy Biting by Thinking like a Puppy

In nature, puppies learn to stop biting by getting bit themselves by other puppies. Discover what humans can learn from this about training their puppies to stop biting. Read this best puppy article

#8. Best Ways to Adopt a Dog: From the Pound, Newspaper Ad, Breeder

If you want to adopt a rescue dog, you can start your search online and see hundreds of dogs in your area. If you want to buy a purebred puppy, how can you avoid unintentionally buying from a puppy mill? Read this best puppy article.

#9. 10 Best Dog Breeds for a Family with Children

Without exception, here are 10 dog breeds which are very popular and make wonderful dogs for a family with children. Make your choice based on lifestyle, where you live, amount of dog grooming required, and the size family dog you want. Discover the in-depth dog adoption answer in this article.

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#10. 10 Best Small Dog Breeds who Love Children

Not all small dog breeds love children. Some are too fragile, other can be as temperamental as toddlers. Here are 10 small dog breeds that love children and are laid-back enough not to mind a little paw tugging if it does not hurt. Discover the in-depth dog adoption answer in this article.


#1. The Best Dog Training Articles Collection

In this best dog training articles collection I’ve gathered my knowledge from years of training my rescue dogs. You’ll find practical advice on a wide range of dog training questions facing dog owners. Visit this dog articles collection

#2. Dog Adoption Q&A;

Find answers to the most important questions about adopting a dog, from the pros and cons of adopting a dog, to how to get started, how to find a breeder or whether you should adopt a rescue dog. Visit this dog articles collection.

#3. 30 Important Dog Health Questions & Answers

Find answers to 30 dog health questions common to all dog breeds. Learn about dog diseases, parasites, how to stop obsessive paw licking, the best food for your dog, how to give your dog a medical checkup and much, much more! Visit this dog articles collection.

#4. 10 Perfect Gifts You Can Make for Your Dog

Discover how to make your dog 10 perfect gifts to make his life sweeter. From an orthopedic dog bed to a pet patio door or interactive toys, these homemade dog-gift-ideas are fun and easy to make! Visit this dog articles collection.

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#5.Advice for Happy Dog Outings

From how to cure dog car sickness, to things you can do in summer together or how to travel around the world with your dog, this collection of dog outing articles will fill you with fun ideas. Visit this dog articles collection.

#6. The Best Dog Grooming Articles Collection

In this best dog grooming articles collection I’ve gathered my knowledge from years of grooming my various rescue dogs. You’ll find practical advice useful in grooming all dog breeds. Visit this dog articles collection.