Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide (3% solution) very inexpensive item that can be found in almost any drugstore. It is a very simple product that is able to do almost any cleaning or sterilizing job around the home, outdoor spot, or even hospitals and restaurants. This very simple liquid is nothing more than a regular H2O molecule with an added oxygen molecule added to it (H2O2). As simple as that one change may seem, it has made it very powerful.

Why? Because there are many, many bacteria and common viruses and other germs in our environment that just can’t exist in the presence of oxygen. Even though regular tap water does have oxygen in it, it has also gone thought many miles of piping to get to our houses and has stagnated somewhat. There is a very big difference in the taste and feel and power of a running tap in a kitchen sink and any waterfall than you can think of. For example, for a long time now I have had small bumps that look like tiny plantar warts on the back of my right hand (doctor says they are a result of sun exposure), under tap water nothing, happens. However, in two days of washing my hands with hydrogen peroxide-the spots have flattened to the surface of my skin, and in addition they are slowly, disappearing, so that in a matter of days it will look as if nothing was ever there. Did you know that warts are caused by a virus? That is all…just a virus. But in the presence of H2O2 they die!

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So, what are other things that you, yourself can do with hydrogen peroxide? It is a great surface sterilizer and topical antiseptic. You can soak your toothbrushes in a solution of 1 capful of hydrogen peroxide mixed with one glassful of water and prevent colds and flue and other germs from spreading. You can use it to soak, sponges and other cleaning cloths in. You can use it for cleaning any household surface, from the baby’s nursery to the guest bathroom. Use it to clean a sink and counter. You can mix a capful in some regular tap water and put it in a spray bottle and use it to clean the shower daily. Put a capful in your mop bucket and clean and disinfect your tiles.

In other areas of the house it is great for soaking fruits and vegetables in. Just add 1/4 cup to a sink ful of cool water and let your vegetables soak. For cooking mix salt and 3% hydrogen peroxide and chilled water to rub on meat, chicken, and fish in order to eliminate bacteria and germs from the meat. Put two ounces of hydrogen peroxide in with your dishwashing liquid to sanitize the dishes and prevent any illness from spreading. Put a small amount in with the water you use to feed plants with and watch them grow fast and beautiful. Add eight ounces to your laundry in place of other more expensive bleach, and it will do just as good a job, and it will be so much less expensive.

Hydrogen peroxide is great for many natural cures. Come home after running and soak your feet in a capful of hydrogen peroxide and a container of water and prevent athlete’s foot fungus. Heal the itch from mosquito and other insect bites. Of course clean out any wounded area with this fantastic antiseptic. Use instead of toothpaste and keep your teeth shining bright and your mouth free of cold sores and other oral infections.

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So, as you can see there are a great many uses for this great, but very simple liquid. It is good for as many uses as you can think of. Use the link below and check out what others are doing with hydrogen peroxide: