Baking Soda and Maple Syrup to Kill Cancer Cells: Scam or Solution?

As a current cancer patient, I am always looking for ways to keep fighting cancer if traditional treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery don’t work for me. I’ve looked into everything imaginable from the Gerson Therapy to the wheatgrass diet, using turmeric and even trying color therapy. When I heard about using baking soda and 100% pure maple syrup to kill cancer cells I hadn’t been diagnosed with cancer. I remember thinking to myself that the person who told me about it was just grasping at straws. After being diagnosed I researched the issue and these are my personal findings.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini
Doctor Tullio Simoncini is a Roman Doctor who promotes the idea that cancer is a fungus (candida specifically) and can be treated as a fungus. The idea that cancer is not hereditary or caused by environmental factors but by the fungus is not exactly popular in mainstream medicine. In fact, if this hypothesis is correct then we must let go of years of research and positive steps the medical community has made in the fight against cancer. Another point worth touching on is the fact that up to 80% of all human beings have candida present in their genital and intestinal tracts at all times. This fact may be checked on by clicking here . Let’s take a closer look at Doctor Simoncini’s hypothesis.

Why It’s Supposed to Work
According to Dr. Simoncini’s direct website, “The fundamental theory behind this treatment lies in the fact that, despite a number of variable factors, the formation and spreading of tumors is simply the result of the presence of a fungus. Sodium bicarbonate, unlike other anti-fungal remedies to which the fungus can become immune, is extremely diffusible and retains its ability to penetrate the tumor, due to the speed at which the sodium bicarbonate disintegrates the tumor. This speed makes fungi’s adaptability impossible, rendering it defenseless.”

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Ok, Doctor Simoncini, that sounds great. In fact, I found myself thinking that it might just make sense but why hasn’t this information come to light in the mainstream medical community? If you read further on the good doctors website you will find that there is no scientifc proof that it actually works and scientists seem to want actual proof that he cannot provide.

Dangers of Sodium Bicarbonate
Using this treatment can be dangerous and even deadly. The use of sodium bicarbonate upsets the Ph balance in the human body (which your body works very hard to maintain). When the Ph balance is off in the body it does not function properly and may make conditions worse. Any doctor or medical journal can offer proof of the body’s need for a balanced Ph.

Doctor With a Record?
Do you want a doctor with a criminal record? While Dr. Simoncini promotes this treatment, let me bring to your attention the fact that he has had his medical license revoked. Yet, he still recieves patients from around the world each year. According to Rob Koene, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. Simoncini has even caused the premature death of patients; who have died from unnatural causes. It is reported that Doctor Simoncini was even convicted of manslaughter in Italy but has since been paroled. On the other hand, with minimal research you will find testimonials that advocate this treatment all over the internet. Of course, each person must make their own decison in regard to cancer treatment but I can honestly say that the reason I fight to live is to have one more day of life. I certainly don’t want it cut short by this so called miracle ‘cure.’ I refuse to believe that all American oncologists are in some sort of scheme and have a secret cure for cancer that is being withheld from the public. That’s a bit far fetched and seems a little too evil; even for a capitalist nation.

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If this were a ‘cure’ for cancer as Doctor Simoncini claims it to be, I ask why he cannot provide proof after years of research and treating patients.