The Many Benefits of Turmeric Powder

Turmeric powder is the main ingredient in curry powder. This spice has been around since the 1900s originating from India. Turmeric has been known throughout the world as a seasoning to make foods taste very good. Today turmeric is being used all over the world as a seasoning and a health product. In this article I will discuss the many health benefits of turmeric and discuss its origin as well.

As stated above turmeric is the main ingredient in a spice called curry powder. Turmeric comes to use from India and is now being used globally as a spice and herbal medicine. Turmeric is a dark yellow powder that is found in many stores across the globe. Turmeric is found in curry powder as the main ingredient but this is not a good source of turmeric for the body. Curry powder has many other ingredients which may be harmful to the body if used a lot, so turmeric should be purchased alone. Turmeric cannot be found in just any store though only grocery stores that are of island culture, in the islands or any herbal nutrition stores.In island based grocery stores turmeric can be found as a powder. If you should go to a health store to purchase turmeric you can find it in a powder form as well and in capsule form. If you travel to the islands you can find turmeric in many forms such as teas, capsules, tinctures, lotions, ointments, and powder form. These are all great but when using turmeric in the powder form you get the most out of it.

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I will now discuss some of the health benefits of Turmeric powder. You can get all the benefits of turmeric by using it to cook with everyday that’s all you really need. Just a teaspoon or two in your foods will help you get all the benefits of this great herb. Turmeric powder is used against inflammation, as an antiseptic, and good for many other reasons. Some other benefits of Tumeric are it helps strengthen bones. Helps aid in reducing pigmentation of the skin. This amazing herb helps keeps the skin supple, so no stretch marks.

Turmeric helps as an anti-oxidant which prevents cell damage and helps fight cancer. Turmeric helps with gas problems and diarrhea by calming down the digestive system. Turmeric has been known to be anti-bacterial which helps purify the blood and form new blood tissue. For these and many other reasons are why turmeric powder is very beneficial to our health.

Turmeric powder does not have many known side effects. The only one that really stands out is that people who have ulcers or gallstones should not use turmeric. The reason being is that with long periods of use with turmeric it can trigger and upset those two illnesses.

Turmeric powder is very tasty in foods and can be used in many dishes. It also is not just for taste though because it helps our bodies in many ways. So next time you use a seasoning take some time and research it because it may be able to help you live a healthier life.