Baby Product Brand Names Versus Generics

Raising a newborn baby is going to be expensive no matter how you go about it. There are certainly ways to cut costs, however, and make it more manageable. Here are the newborn products you can save money on by buying generics, and which products you’ll really want to splurge on.

Generic Alternatives:

Medicine. Newborns rarely take any medication, but your baby may require the occasional Tylenol as he or she grows to manage fevers and pain. Generic infant acetaminophen is perfectly acceptable to use instead of Tylenol. Just compare the label with Tylenol and your alternative will cost less than half of the brand name.

Laundry Detergent. Newborn babies do have sensitive skin so using a special detergent is a good idea at first. Dreft, the most famous brand name, is quite expensive. Using any regular laundry detergent that is free of dyes and perfumes will work just as well for your baby’s sensitive skin and once again, you’ll save at least half over the cost of Dreft.

Clothing. As your baby gets older and starts actually causing wear and tear on his clothing, you may want to consider some nicer brand names such as Carter’s. When your baby is a newborn, however, she barely moves at all, and she grows out of her clothing in a flash. Inexpensive alternatives are perfectly acceptable and may cost as little as a third of a similar brand name clothing item.

Wipes. While generic baby wipes may be a little thinner, they are generally just as soft and just as effective at wiping away a mess as the brand names. Try various generic brands and decide upon your favorite. You will save about a dollar per box of wipes over the most popular name brands such as Huggies and Pampers.

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Bottle Liners. If you choose to use the Playtex Drop-Ins Bottle System, you can find generic bottle liners that will cost $1 or $2 less than the Playtex brand. You’ll be using many bottle liners so this small savings will really add up.

Brand Names:

Diapers. When your newborn baby first comes home from the hospital she will have very sensitive skin. Brand name diapers such as Huggies and Pampers do have a softer inner liner and typically do offer up better leak protection, and thicker padding, than generics. As your baby gets a little older you might be able to switch to a less expensive generic brand.

Bottles. If you are bottle feeding or feeding breastmilk from a bottle choose a consistent brand name of baby bottles. Bottles that allow too much air into your baby’s stomach can lead to gas problems, and those with faulty nipples can pose a choking hazard. Your bottles will last a long time so go ahead and choose a good name brand such as Playtex, Avent, or Dr. Brown’s.

Breastpump. If you are breastfeeding your baby and want to use a breastpump you will discover that they are available in a very wide price range. This is a place you definitely want to splurge. Get a name brand name, well known breastpump such as Medela, Playtex, or Avent and pay the price. Your breasts will thank you!

Carseat/Travel System. You want your newborn to be as safe as possible so don’t choose the cheapest carseat you can find assuming that it’s “up to code.” Take your time and research the latest information and choose a well-known, trusted carseat or travel system brand.

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Your newborn is such an important addition to your life and you want what is best for him, however, there is no reason to spend endless money where it doesn’t have to be spent. Choose wisely and save where you can and you’re newborn baby will never be the wiser!