As Seen on TV…The Bug Zapper: Product Review

Our family’s home always seems to be buzzing around with flies. We leave windows open, and these black bastards seem to think that this is their open invitation to come right on in. It is an open window after all.

One or two flies never bothers us, but when the house is buzzing with them like from a game of The Sims, it’s not cool. The damn things go right for my eyes sometimes! I can’t stand them!

Fly swatters and rolled up magazines only go so far, and not to mention they leave nasty messes behind on walls.

When my mom came home with a tennis racket type contraption we all looked at her like she was nuts. We don’t play tennis, and she certainly doesn’t either.

“What the heck’s that ma?” I asked

“A bug zapper, it’ll kill the damn flies, watch out!”

She began filling the rackets handle with AA batteries. (It requires 2 AA batteries) She seemed in a frenzy, excited to begin the hunt.

The racket itself is yellow, and on the side of the rackets handles are 2 buttons that are meant to be pushed and held in together while you swat at flies. The 2 buttons are meant to be a safety feature in case children get hold of it.

My mom didn’t realize what it was all about because she is impatient and refuses to read directions, she pressed the 2 buttons in, and a red light went on. My mother then decided to touch the metal prongs, that is when I heard a loud static zapping noise. Mom screamed, hehe, she went and shocked herself.

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Before going on a fly raid, she went and zapped my dads back, then my brothers arm. Yes, she’s sick…Ozzy Osbourne family sick/sadistic. Heeheh!

Turns out the Bug Zapper can rid the room of annoying humans as well. A quick swat to some skin and bam, a good static shock send them running! (The Bug Zapper is not meant to be used on humans; even though it is O’ so funny. The Bug Zapper should also not be used by children).

Anyways, we then took turns swaying the bug zapper over flies. One tap and the flies would buzz right down to the ground. You have to make sure they are dead though, sometimes the zap was not enough, and with time they will re-cooperate and get back up and fly away.

The others are not so lucky, and you literately watch as they smoke up and begin to fry; especially if they get stuck within the metal rackets lining. Yowzas!

It took us about 20 minutes to track down all the flies and kill them all. Our home was fly free after just one use, and one game of track and find. This Bug Zapper has taken fly killing to a whole new level. It becomes a fun game really.

I totally recommend the As Seen On TV Bug Zapper. Not only will it rid the entire home of flying bugs, but it’s fun to use too.

Pricing and availability:

I have seen imitation bug zappers at dollar stores. However these zappers end up breaking just after a few short weeks. The original Bug Zapper still goes on and on and on in our home.

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You can pick one up at any local As Seen On TV vendor, or at the official website at, for $9.95.