Paysite Debates: Why the Sims Resource Banned Modthesims2

When the paysite debates began in 2004, the problem wasn’t that paysites actually existed or that EA refused to address the issue. The paysite debates started on a completely different issue — adult content. The Sims Resource, a huge paysite that EA passively supports, banned a free Sims 2 site from their own site, forbidding even the mention of it. The site? ModtheSims2, an extremely popular Sims 2 site offering free content to registered users. The Sims Resource stated that ModtheSims2 hosted ‘adult content’, including skintones with features such as female nipples, subsequently banning ModtheSims2 to protect younger audiences. As other Sims 2 players have revealed, however, they don’t think this is the reason The Sims Resource banned ModtheSims2. So why did The Sims Resource ban ModtheSims2 from their site? Why does EA condone The Sims Resource, a very public paysite, to operate? Some speculate it’s jealousy.

2004: The Official Statement
On November 3, 2004, ModtheSims2 announced that TSR, otherwise known as The Sims Resource, was banning ModtheSims2 from their site. TSR went so far as to ban any mention of ModtheSims2 on their site, including forum threads directed towards ModtheSims2, links to ModtheSims2, and even the mention of ModtheSims2 on the forums. The reason? TSR’s official policy is that adult content is not allowed on their site — ModtheSims2 freely hosts some adult content, and TSR commented it was a violation of policy. They say that’s why ModtheSims2 — even the mention of it — is banned from TSR’s forums and site. MTS2’s policy comments that nudity isn’t banned since it is a natural thing; adult content isn’t banned because it’s part of human life.

According to The Sims Resource, they wanted to promote a kid-friendly environment, in accordance to EA’s policy. The Sims 2 is marketed to ages as low as 13. Although The Sims Resource claims no direct relation to EA, EA does promote TSR on their official site. EA has even interviewed the creator of TSR, Steve Bonham, and invited them to some EA events. This angered many Sims 2 players and thinks EA approves of Sims 2 paysites, which EA stated is illegal.

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To add another twist, Sims 2 players are questioning the legitimacy of TSR’s statement against MTS2. Why? Because TSR itself hosts adult content on their own site. So what’s really going on?

Speculations: Jealousy, Competition, and Dirty Tactics
So we know that TSR hosts adult content, yet states that ModtheSims2 was banned from the site because of their own adult content. So what’s the real issue? Many Sims 2 players speculate this:

Competition. ModtheSims2 is very popular Sims 2 custom content site; some would consider it a ‘rival’ against TSR. The main difference between MTS2 and TSR? MTS2 offers free content. With its growing popularity, some speculate they banned MTS2 to decrease competition. Mentioning MTS2 on the TSR forums or providing a link is immediately deleted, and the member could be banned.
Jealousy. It is speculated that TSR is jealous of MTS2’s popularity. Content creators for free sites, specifically ModtheSims2, say TSR offered them a paying position — only if they left MTS2, however.

Paysite supporters, anti-MTS2 supporters, and people affiliated with The Sims Resource are believed to be involved in this:

Dirty Tactics.A anti-MTS2 ‘article’ was released about MTS2’s (now former) owner, Stuart Stanfield. Sims 2 players believe one of the writers is an ex-moderator of ModtheSims2. The article discussed a sexual conviction from 2001, although the judge said that Stanfield wasn’t a risk to minors. It also says that Stanfield used ModtheSims2 to be in contact with minors. This was never proven. The writers say they have information but sources weren’t revealed. Many Sims 2 players question the legitimacy of this article, since one of the writers is an infamous anti-MTS2 supporter known to start drama. This writer is well known on The Sims Resource.

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Stealing. Content creators say that TSR won’t remove their content if asked. If a content creator is banned from TSR, their content remains on the site and becomes TSR’s property.

Sharing personal information. The Sims Resource’s official rules state this:

“The Forum administrators also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you. Furthermore, you agree, through your use of this service, to permit the staff of the TSR Forums at The Sims Resource to inform our members if you have broken any of our membership rules or had your membership revoked from the site.”

It’s not clear how TSR defines complaint.

Why Is EA Allowing The Sims Resource to Run?
It’s not clear why EA allows The Sims Resource to run illegally. Creating Sims 2 content for money is illegal according to EA’s EULA. Custom content cannot be used to make money, either as a donation or subscription. EA has invited TSR to EA exclusive events and recognizes TSR’s popularity on its official site, which baffles many Sims 2 players.

TSR claimed that EA’s EULA was changed to support their subscription services, but EA denies this. EA has no plans to change the EULA. EA also says there aren’t in any deals with The Sims Resource. EA states that charging for custom content is illegal, and they know about TSR…so why aren’t they doing anything? Most speculate it’s about money. It costs money to close paysites, and EA isn’t willing to do that. EA is involved in many money-specific issues, including the SecuROM controversy. EA hasn’t offered victims ways to refund games or receive money for their damaged computers.

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The Future for ModtheSims2 and The Sims Resource
So what does the future hold for ModtheSims2 and The Sims Resource? With the anticipated release of The Sims 3, this is what we know so far:

– The Sims Resource will probably run and distribute custom Sims 3 content.
– It’s very possible The Sims Resource will charge for Sims 3 content.
– ModtheSims2 won’t be distributing Sims 3 content. The site plans to end at Sims 2 content. Considering MTS is a big rival to TSR, this eliminates a lot of competition.
– No word on EA’s policy for custom Sims 3 content. Some think the EULA will stay the same.

Although the future is unclear, it’s clear that TSR has a lot of power in the Sims 2 realm. With EA unwilling to stop TSR’s illegal practices, it will continue to profit off EA.
