Article Directories: The Easiest Way to Get Traffic to Your Site

If you are looking for one of the top ways to promote your business online, then you need to find the best article directories. You need fresh articles to engage decent search engine content. When you are trying to get backlinks to improve your website’s link profile, you want to use quality article syndication. Most article directories have various categories in which you can choose from. Every category is relevant to website links which are relevant to other links from article submissions.

When you log into an article directory you will find a collection of articles that have been written about various subjects. These directories accept articles that are newly written from many contributors. The best article directories require unique and well-written content for their users. Procedures can include no content that has been spun by an article spinner and content that has not been previously published anywhere else. This helps maintain quality control and the standard of providing fresh content.

Articles can be anywhere from four to five hundred words. Work is expected to be clean, informative, engaging, fresh and grammatically correct. In some cases, there is information about an author so you have an idea of the type of content you are purchasing for your website. You can search by categories or tags, depending on the article directory’s format, and find articles that are keyword rich and identify a topic that you wish to promote for your business.

Most article directories pay for their content and have an exceptional set of submission rules that must be followed before an article will be accepted. This assures you that their work is high quality and has been reviewed for relevant content and accuracy. It also keeps low quality content, spam, spun articles and duplicate articles from reaching your website and ruining your content.

Structure and format are very important and include word count, keyword density as well as grammatical accuracy. The length of an article can change over time. The more search engines evolve the more important your content will become. Below are some of the best article directories on the World Wide Web.

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If you are looking for the granddaddy of them all, then you want to visit . An electronic magazine publication such as Ezine offers articles that are known to follow the format of newsletters. Every article is written about various topics that may have been requested or supplied otherwise. There are writers that specialize in Ezine articles. Ezines attract a wide range of readers that read thousands of their articles that are published every day. They hold the attention of many audiences by providing discriminating reading material that attracts intelligent readers who surf the internet each day.

Ezines are a part of the best directories that drive revenue for websites, and build great profit for those that use their articles. Many freelance writers write for Ezine since it gives them the freedom of publication and benefits the website in which it is published. A wide range of topics give a good writer plenty of flexibility to use their skills. The increasing demand for Ezine articles grows every day. People search the internet for certain topics and the demand for well-written articles never ceases. You want people to stop and read the articles posted on your website. This increases the chances of sales and helps build the number of visitors that follow you.

By submitting to Ezine articles you have the potential to earn a great profit from that traffic that you’re targeting. As far as top directory goes, you will most likely not find any better. Their pagerank on Google is six. They refuse to take any auto submissions, so their directory is clean and only offers top quality work. Articles are also submitted by hand. This means you know a real person has been involved in the writing process and it is not a case of churnalism.

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If you are looking for an article directory that is updated daily, then you will like They are very easy to use and have a Google page rank of six. A very popular feature of this article directory is the fact that when articles are posted, they appear immediately. Contributing authors, visitors and publishers are met with quality service from one of the largest article databases on the internet. You are promised great content that is made available to you whenever you need it, not based on someone else’s time schedule. Their clients are their priority.

The Jayde Online Network includes as one of the fifteen websites associated with them. The goal of the Jayde Online Network is to offer niches in areas of specific interest to entrepreneurs, authors, newsletter publishers, webmasters and marketers. There are other resource sites and newsletters that are going to be launched in the near future.
I may be biased, as I am a co-founder of this startup, but I believe we are already one of the top directories to choose from. In fact, I feel that our quality is superior to the majority of directories that exist. We provide you with just enough tools to get going, but not too many to confuse you in the process of writing your article. Our user interface was designed to be very simple, which is why we continue to get more submissions each and every day.

While Galoor may only be a pagerank of 3 (as of this writing), we have seen some of our users’ articles shoot up to a pagerank 4 after the last update, which was just weeks after these articles were submitted. We outrank most of our competitors quickly, yet we seem to have the trust to stay ranked high, unlike most of our competitors.

We are very strict on quality and do not allow article syndication. We’re not auto-approve and we do have a strict editorial process. No keyword stuffing, excessive font ‘dressing’ (bold, italicize, underline, etc), no spun content and we are strict about the grammar. It must be easy to read and make sense. While that should be obvious, our testing on other properties has proven this to be a widespread problem.

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Rounding Off the Top Five Best Article Directories and are article directories that round off the top five best article directories. They all rank within the top six rankings on the Google Search Engine. allows submissions of articles that are written exclusively and not repeated or published anywhere else on the internet. They like to keep their work unique and reject low quality articles that have been copied or spun. is another very user-friendly article directory that holds the same values as They encourage webmasters to sign up and use as many articles as they choose. is another widely used article directory that has thousands of net-based readers. They are considered to be a big five thumbs up article directory.

In the end, it’s always best to submit original content to all of the major directories, which could even include Yahoo! There’s a lot of content marketing opportunities that you can use to get more traffic to your website, as well as more links for your SEO efforts.

Writing articles should be simple for any Business owner. You have customers or clients and they have questions or problems. As a business owner you should have the answers and solutions. This is how you come up with great articles that will handle these redundant issues and bring you more traffic.