Free Ways to Improve Your Google Pagerank

When it comes to internet marketing and SEO, there is one thing that is a world more important than the classic advertising, article marketing, word of mouth, or any other promotion method. It’s called PR, or, Page rank. Page rank is the way Google indexes sites. Most sites on the web are PR 0. Having your website climb the PR ladder is the fastest way to promote your service or product. But how does one increase their PR?

The first Page rank raising method we’ll discuss is building back links. Back links are links to your website on other sites on the web. The higher the page rank of the site that is linking to your website, the more important the back link is to Google indexing. Building back links isn’t as hard as you might think though. There are thousands of link exchanges out there, including sites that let you post your link there for free. There are high PR blogs that let you comment on posts. One could leave a valuable comment on the post and at the end point readers to your site using a back link. These are just a couple great ways you could build back links and increase your page rank. All of these methods cost nothing. Once you’ve gotten into the different PR-raising methods, you’ll realize how much money you’ve saved and will save on advertising.

Another great back link method is by joining message boards or forums. Make sure the forums you’re joining are related to your websites topic. In your personal settings on the forum, you’re allowed to change your signature, or couple lines that appear at the end of your posts. Write a bit about yourself and then a link to your site. Every time you post on this forum, you’re generating a back link. Google loves this, and so will you when you’re getting a higher page rank, as well as visitors from members and guests on the forum.

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I know in the beginning in things that you’ll be dropping I listed Article Marketing, but you’ll actually want to enter or continue this method. What is Article marketing? Basically, you write an informative, friendly article related toy our topic and post it on such article sites as Ezinearticles or Associated Content. At the end of your article, you’ll usually be able to insert a resource box, or a few lines about you and your site. This generates a very high page rank back link, and can also get you tons of visitors er article. You can also outsource article writing, or pay others to write them. However, such sites as Associated Content allow you only to post articles you’ve written yourself. What you’ll want to do is build a good amount of articles in a few article directories to maximize back links and visitors.

So as you can see, there are many free methods’ to improving your page rank, and in turn, increasing your site’s popularity. Page rank can be improved easily through back links and visitors. Before you know it you’ll be Page rank 10 and in the big leagues. Well, maybe not, but there’s always PR 9 and 8, which are perfect for informative content sites. Good luck climbing the Page rank ladder.
