April Fool’s Day Poems (Two Haiku)

April Fool’s Day Poems Number 1: Untitled Haiku

Beware April 1!

Watch your back, for those you know

may be plotting tricks!

April Fool’s Day Poems Number 2: Untitled Haiku

New Year’s Week’s last day

occurred April 1 til late

16th century

Those keeping this date,

partying like New Year’s clods,

were regarded fools…

Springtime pranks aimed at

these bold calendar rebels

were hence forthcoming

The End of my April Fool’s Day poems

Online source for these April Fool’s Day poems:

April Fool’s Day History: http://www.april-fools.us/history-april-fools.htm, April Fool’s

See also  April Fools Day Gifts for Pets