A Collection of Haiku Poems

Hospital Haiku

I hate hospitals,

Everything about them sucks.

When can I go home?

Love Haiku

Sometimes love hurts us,

But we still come back for more.

We just never learn.

Love Haiku #2

Who said it’s easy.

Sometimes love is very hard.

Put on your helmet.

Love Haiku #3

Who really needs love?

The question should really be

Who really wants it?

Love Haiku #4

When will he call me?

I have been waiting so long.

Screw him, let’s party.

Love Haiku #5

Love has me on lock.

Wish one day I could break free.

But I’ll never leave.

Career Haiku

A job means money,

But career means happiness.

Why can’t we have both?

Hater’s Haiku

I hear people talk,

Guess I’m doing something right.

Aren’t my haters cute?

Jesus Haiku

He came here for me,

How can I thank Him enough?

I try to live right.

Responsibility Haiku

It’s time to step up,

It seems I have made a mess,

I must clean it up.

Judgment Haiku

We are all the same,

No sin is greater or less.

Look within, then judge.

Encouragement Haiku

You must lift your head,

So that we may see your face.

Trust you are worthy.

Encouragement Haiku #2

You wish to impact?

To inspire and engage?

You can be the change.

Road Rage Haiku

Some people can’t drive,

I wish they would just go home.

I might catch a case.

Road Rage Haiku #2

Swerving in my lane.

Provoking me purposely.

Why would you do that?

Greatness Haiku

Soon I will be great,

Although the journey is long,

Obama did it.

Diet Haiku

I have to lose weight.

I would rather be healthy

Not scary skinny.

New World Order Haiku

Gas prices are high,

Money is tight and jobs scarce.

Glad George “Dub-ya” left?

Presidential Haiku

First Black President,

For a country built by slaves.

Well, it’s about time.

Father Haiku

My father died young.

They say that the good die young.

My dad was the best.

Mother Haiku

She’s so very strong.

With the Lord to guide her steps.

I love my mother.

Heaven Haiku

Streets paved of pure gold.

See also  Marilyn, Monroe's Daughter

God has made a place for us.

Beyond the gates: home.

Hell Haiku

The gnashing of teeth.

The constant stench of sulfur.

Hell is not for me.

Bully Haiku

Violence is bad.

And fighting back is childish.

But I will hurt you.

Stalker Haiku

He won’t stop texting.

I just want to go to bed.

He needs a hobby.

Stalker Haiku #2

Hiding in a bush.

He’s lurking in the shadows.

This is uncalled for.

Blessed Haiku

I should not be here.

God saw fit to spare my life.

I am so grateful.

Playground Haiku

We are at the park.

We have monkey bars and swings.

Screw a water slide.

Playground Haiku #2

Playing in the dirt.

The innocence of childhood.

Love so untainted.

Insomniac Haiku

I am so tired.

But I never fall asleep.

Damn paid programming.

Insomniac Haiku #2

Eyes are wide open.

It’s the worst form of torture:

Sleep Deprivation.

Cleanliness Haiku

Something really stinks.

Like cologne and onion rings.

You need to wash up.

Cleanliness Haiku #2

You left tracks behind.

I can tell where you have been.

Please respect my space.

College Haiku

I love the freedom.

Me being an adult rocks.

God, I miss my house.

Big Brother Haiku

He stole my Barbies.

He even shot me one time.

He made me tough, though.

Reality Television Haiku

The real world of a

Flavor Flav Survivor what?

Reality who?

Money Haiku

Where’d the money go?

Isn’t that what tax is for?

Recession my ass.

Recession Haiku

Who needs a full tank?

I’m just going to my house.

Quarter tank will do.

Recession Haiku #2

I need medicine.

I can’t afford to get sick.

Death would be cheaper.

Recession Haiku #3

Six dollars for milk?

Who is making these prices?

Milk sucks anyway.

Gun Control Haiku

Guns don’t kill people.

You can’t really use a gun

Without a bullet.

Time Haiku

One day you are here.

Life is over so quickly?

But I’m not done yet….?

Doubtful Haiku

Success is for me.

I will be in history.

Say I won’t do it.

Altruistic Haiku

Millions pass by.

But no one offers a hand.

I want to help you.

See also  The Odyssey: Homer's Take on Family Values

Angry Haiku

Time has been unkind.

It took you away from me.

I still needed you.

Hungry Haiku

Stomach growls loudly.

I have to fix this somehow.

Top Ramen was on point.

Remote Control Haiku

Where is the remote?

Who will help change the channel?

We are so lazy.

Paper Cut Haiku

It was just paper.

But felt like a machete.

The worst pain ever.

Cell Phone Haiku

The cell is a must.

Technology dependent,

Electric hostage.

Greed Haiku

Material needs,

Money, power and respect.

The green eyed monster.

Patience Haiku

We must be patient.

Good things come to those who wait,

We wait on the Lord.

Innocence Haiku

The heart of a child

Holds many different things.

But not one secret.

Humble Haiku

Unworthy of grace,

Undeserving of His love.

God’s endless mercy.

Soldier Haiku

Defending the weak.

Protecting the innocent.

A warrior’s heart.

Wisdom Haiku

Intelligence speaks.

And while it is doing so,

Wisdom will listen.

Ambition Haiku

Aim high as you can

You can never go too far

The sky won’t stop you.

Loyalty Haiku

As the ocean sits

So closely by the shore’s side

I will never leave.

Black History Haiku

From slave ships we came

From the shadows we crawled

Into endless light.

Africa Haiku

The mother of lands

Where life originated

Oasis of life.

Happiness Haiku

What is happiness?

By what can we measure it?

Happiness is love.

Family Haiku

My kinfolk come first.

They say it takes a village

To raise a child right.

Ignorant Haiku

They say God takes care

Of the children and the fools.

Tell me, which are you?

Laughter Haiku

The mind accepts it,

The face smiles from ear to ear.

The soul’s silent sigh.

Confirmation Haiku

A prayer for guidance.

See God’s reassuring nod.

He says that I’m right.

Betrayal Haiku

You had me fooled.

I could have sworn you were true.

I know better now.

Gentleman’s Haiku

He pulls out the chairs,

Goal oriented as well.

Swagger is a must.

Cousin’s Haiku

Almost like sisters.

Together since our childhood

The unspoken bond.

Hype Haiku

Let’s have a party.

See also  Marabou Stork - African Stork with Beautiful, Soft Feathers

D.J. booth is V.I.P.

Were all going dumb.

Widow’s Haiku

Feeling so lonely.

Still can’t believe it happened.

Never let it go.

Child’s Haiku

Love like no other

The sweet love of a parent

I miss my father.

Spoken Haiku

So little to say,

So many thoughts in my head.

Eloquence wasted.

Simple Haiku

It’s the little things,

They often go unnoticed.

They matter the most.

Transforming Haiku

The caterpillar,

I emerge from the darkness

A new, into flight.

Dream Haiku

A nightly vision

My fantasies come to life

My heart’s images.

Angel Haiku

Flight on wings of truth

Muses of inspiration

God’s love in true form.

Beauty Haiku

Absolute beauty

Such pure loveliness indeed

An ocular phenom.

Human Body Haiku

God’s best miracle.

A structure with a purpose.

Marvel human form.

Faith Haiku

Belief without sight

Things believed, but things not seen

The heart knows the truth.

Destiny Haiku

Born with a purpose,

Fate will be victorious.

God has the last word.

Obedience Haiku

When given a task

React with expedience

Respond with valor.

Resilience Haiku

Though some men may fall

Those who find the strength to rise

Will stand up again.

Youth Haiku

The innocent child

Has a heart that is so pure.

Trust without question.

Truth Haiku

The naked eye sees

What it wants despite the truth.

Logic unnoticed.

My Haiku

Seemingly happy.

But screaming on the inside.

Can’t run from myself.

My Haiku #2

My image of life,

Consistent contradiction.

Complete irony.

My Haiku #3

My thoughts are racing

My cognitive dissonance

There will be no sleep.

My Haiku #4

Contemplative thought.

Gazing out of a window.

No answers in sight.

My Haiku #5

The question starts here,

The idea of knowing.

The answer to why.

My Haiku #6

When you first notice

The beginning of the end

It’s already over.