Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

Several months ago I wrote an article regarding how effective the Apple Cider and Vinegar combination was in healing and controlling some of my medical issues. I took the combination each day. After a few weeks I began noticing improvement in areas I had not considered. One of those improvements garnered several emails. It seemed some individuals were seeking ways to improve their eyesight naturally.

As a token, I discovered the combination taken daily was improving my eyesight. Never had I heard of this. I was amazed at the fact that I no longer could see clearly with my glasses ‘on. My vision was blurred when wearing my glasses. I began to rely on my glasses less and less until finally, I did not need to nor did I wear them at all.

Several readers asked specific questions. I realized the need to clarify some issues and also provide additional information regarding my vision. So to help those who asked the questions and others reading the article, I am publishing this follow up article.

My Vision Before Taking Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey?

Prior to taking one Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and honey daily, I wore prescription reading glasses. I could see fairly clearly, however, when reading, I would experience headaches and blurred vision. My optometrist stated that I should wear the glasses only when needed. I wore them whenever I needed to read. If I did not have my glasses, I had to move the document as far away from my eyes as possible. The farther away, the less I would squint and strain to see. The strain would cause an intense headache.

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Was There A Specific Brand of Apple Cider Vinegar or Honey Purchased?

I purchased the half gallon bottle of White House Vinegar and the 32 ounce jar of the Wal-Mart brand (Great Value) of honey. There was no specific reason why I purchased these except price and value. I began taking the combination to lose weight. My goal was to lose weight in addition to reducing my blood pressure. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure in college. With the help of prescription blood pressure medicines, the level is low and has been controlled over the years. However, my desire is to maintain a normal level naturally if possible.

What Type or Size Tablespoon Did I Use?

You know, until I was asked this question, I was sure most tablespoons measure the same. However, when I looked at all of my spoons in the drawer, that’s not correct. Not all tablespoons hold the same amount of liquid. So, I took the spoon I used the most and measured it out in a medicine cup. I was able to obtain a good measurement with the medicine cup. My suggestion is if you want precise measurements, use a medicine cup and take one full tablespoon and half teaspoon of the combination. I really don’t think it makes much of a difference. If you can, take two tablespoons of each and you should be okay.

Now this is just about the extent of the questions. I was asked what I other liquid or drink I consumed with the combination. It really depended on what I could get to quickly. I would try to have a cup of coffee ready, however, a few mornings I drank orange juice or koolaid afterwards. As a norm, I generally add a tablespoon of creamer and sugar to my coffee.

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To get more detailed, some mornings I added Pet Evaporated milk while others I added regular Barbers milk to my cup of coffee. I drink Folgers Instant Coffee.

To be quite frank about it, I don’t think the brands and types of coffee, honey or vinegar really matter. The apple cider vinegar and honey combined is the important factor. I am not a doctor. Nor do I profess to have any medical credentials. If you take the combination, it’s at your discretion. My goal in writing the original article was to enlighten individuals on the medicinal benefits of these two natural products.

Before taking anything for medicinal purposes, consult with your physician or a qualified, licensed professional.