Andrew Jackson’s Birthplace

Andrew Jackson’s birthplace in 1776 remains controversial. Both North Carolina and South Carolina claim that Jackson was born in their state. Jackson stated himself that, “I was born in South Carolina, as I have been told…” but was later convinced that his birthplace was in North Carolina, at the McKemey house, which was only 407 yards from the state line. (Henderson 42-43) The book The Life of Andrew Jackson by John Spencer said that Jackson’s mother gave birth at the McKemey house, but later traveled to the Crawford home in South Carolina, making people falsely believe that Jackson was born there. (5-6) The Life of Andrew Jackson by Marquis James denounces Jackson’s birth at the McKemey’s, and instead refers to Jackson’s own statement of his birth at the Crawford’s in South Carolina. This is believed to be the most valid evidence available on Jackson’s birthplace. (10) Additionally, the Dictionary of American Biography states that Jackson was born in “South Carolina.” (Abernethy IX 526)

Works Cited

Henderson, Archibald. North Carolina, the Old North State and the New. Vol. 2. Chicago: Lewis publishing company, 1941.

Spenser, John. The Life of Andrew Jackson. Macmillan Company, 1925.

James, Marquis. The Life of Andrew Jackson. Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1938.

Abernathy, Thomas P. Dictionary of American Biography. Vol. 9. Little Brown Company, 1932.

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