What to Do If You Encounter Online Scammers

Has anyone else here been the victim of a scam or attempted scam online? Chances are you have. Most of the time scammers find you through online dating sites or groups where they prowl. And, most of the scammers are foreigners and usually based in an African country. Personally, I usually get an African or Russian person (a beautiful woman or someone posing as one) who claims to be an American citizen. The scammer could be located anywhere though utilizing spoof IP addresses which make them appear to be in the U.S., Africa or wherever. This is a type of advance fee fraud and is a variation of the well-known scam called the Nigerian Letter or 419 fraud.

This is how the scam usually works: The scammer finds you or you find them on a dating or friends group, such as Yahoo. They’re usually listed as being in the U.S. or even local to you. So, you start chatting through e-mail or Instant Messenger.

After some friendly chatting, you suddenly find out that the person’s not living in the U.S. at the moment, either due to financial difficulties, job related issues, or one that’s new to me – their boyfriend is a drug dealer who was caught, arrested and they’re now stuck there in a foreign country without any means to return to our country. Next, they will say that you can help them. Yes, you! Why? Because you are their hero and savior! You are the chosen one! They tell you either you can wire them money and once they return to the U.S., they will pay you back and visit you OR they have money but can’t exchange it for U.S. dollars by sending you a check for which you will then wire them U.S. dollars and you cash the check (sometimes with a bonus because they want to thank you so much!). Of course, they get the wired money, the check bounces and you’re out of thousands of dollars!

How do you spot foreign scammers? I spot them within about ten minutes but many people aren’t as skeptical and untrusting as I am and it takes them longer. Some scammers befriend you over days, weeks or months before building up to the coup de grâce and the actual monetary scam. To the victims of the extended versions, the hurt caused by finding out that the person they’ve shared hundreds of hours talking to is a liar who just wants their money can be devastating. As for me, I’ve only experienced short, short term time periods before the scam is sprung on me, either due to luck or my not trusting anyone.

Back to how to spot a scammer. First and foremost, the scammers English will most likely suck to hell! Some people who speak Ebonics or netspeak might not notice it right away but I do (of course, I hate Ebonics or netspeak to begin with so I’m more guarded to begin with). But their English will seem “foreign” even to those people.

Secondly, you could ask the foreigner a question about America that they might not know, at which point they’ll be American culture buffs, good guessers or act suspicious and ask you why they’re questioning them.

Thirdly, they act like they really like you right off the bat. Some will say they want to visit you or are in love with you within a short time period. An average-looking person knows that super hunks or models are not scoping the net looking for average-looking people 5,000 miles away to have relationships with. If you don’t know this, I will just say “WAKE UP AND LAY OFF THE WACKY WEED!”

Lastly, the scam itself, which is easy to spot due to its illogical process. I mean, come on, if they have access to a U.S. bank, or any bank for that matter, they can exchange their money for their use. They don’t need you to act as a bank. If they have a U.S. contact or agent, they would ask them for help. If they’re rich, as many will claim, they don’t need your money to get out of the country. If you don’t see that it’s a scam by now and that the scammer doesn’t love you, I say “JUST GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY!”

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That’s how I spot scammers. Now, for a special treat, I want to share with you a story of a scammer who pestered me just this past December. I have a profile at a dating site for disabled people. I, being in Pennsylvania, wrote messages to the locals. Most don’t respond but a few do. One of them writes back and gives me her e-mail address and Instant Messenger ID. I write her an e-mail about myself and add them to my chat list. We chat there and she totally ignored what I had written to her, like we had just met. This frustrated me because I type slow and hate re-typing stuff. I find out she’s a rich model in Africa. BAM! I knew it was a scammer due to that and her English was odd. I figured I’d turn it around on them, waste their time like they do everyone else and have fun doing it. That’s my number one method of getting back at them: WASTE THEIR TIME! It works! Now, I’m not one to care about my anonymity, privacy or safety online (within reason) so I’ve no problem sharing my e-mail or home address with anyone but you might want to be more careful, especially if you’re female because you attract a possibly different breed of scammer out for more than just money. BE CAREFUL!

Below, I’ve pasted a log of one of my two chats with the scammer. It’s been edited for an easier read, bad English, some grammar problems (it’s chat after all), and cruder language. The scammer’s English was a lot worse than you see below. Basically, I give the person (probably a guy who doesn’t like to pose as a woman or he’d of tried to seduce my, umm, thinking stick) a runaround and a headache. Day number two, well, I can’t post it because, after I let the scammer down easy (okay, not so easy), he let out a tirade of obscenities. My response was to antagonize him into great heights of obscenities and mental anguish. Oh, good times! So, I can’t edit that enough for AC not to delete it. You’ll just need to imagine a sweaty, fat, short black guy cursing at the lions in the mighty jungle without an air conditioner or fan. 🙂

On with the chat!

JOHN: hi, this is John
JOHN: we e-mailed each other
SCAMMER: yes, where are you from?
JOHN: Pennsylvania, you?
SCAMMER: same, what site did you got my id?
JOHN: you sent it through dating4disabled
SCAMMER: oh ok, how are you?
JOHN: where in PA?
SCAMMER: from Adamstown
SCAMMER: what do you do for a living?
JOHN: we discussed it in e-mail
SCAMMER: ok, yes, tell me
JOHN: I did, where are you at now?
SCAMMER: I’m now in Africa due to my job
JOHN: which is?
SCAMMER: am into modeling
JOHN: why in Africa, can’t you mail photos?
SCAMMER: I do travel very well
JOHN: good, got pics?
SCAMMER: at times Europe
SCAMMER: I will send it to you later
JOHN: where in Africa?
SCAMMER: Benin Republic (****note**** this is next to Nigeria)
JOHN: do you get good money?
JOHN: when will you return to PA?
SCAMMER: this month but I have a problem I need someone who can help me out
JOHN: I need help too but you first; I’m a gentleman of the highest order
SCAMMER: I don’t know if you can help me cash my check because I want to use the money to return to the states for my ticket back home
JOHN: I can help, sure
SCAMMER: can you help me cash the check?
SCAMMER: talk to me
SCAMMER: *ding*
JOHN: yes
SCAMMER: ok send me your full name address and phone number
JOHN: but I need help in return too
JOHN: when you return, can you visit me?
SCAMMER: sure I promise you this
JOHN: what do you need my address for now?
SCAMMER: just to send the check to you
JOHN: how much?
SCAMMER: $4,500
JOHN: ok once I get it, then what?
SCAMMER: you send the money to me via Western Union
JOHN: why can’t you cash it?
SCAMMER: you know this is Africa and there is no way that I can cash American check here
JOHN: sure there is
JOHN: put it into a U.S. bank, wire it back
JOHN: you have a U.S. account, right?
SCAMMER: nope you will send it via Western Union money transfer
JOHN: you have a U.S. bank account?
JOHN: you are from Pennsylvania, you said?
SCAMMER: yes I don’t have that
SCAMMER: when you get the money you can send it via Western Union
JOHN: when did you leave the U.S.?
SCAMMER: 3 weeks ago
JOHN: you closed all your accounts here?
JOHN: why?
SCAMMER: tell me if you can help me, I don’t have much time here
JOHN: where are you going? thought we could chat a while
SCAMMER: yes, it’s late here
JOHN: hey, what bank is the check being drawn on?
SCAMMER: Suburban Trust Bank
JOHN: located where?
SCAMMER: Illinois
JOHN: what currency?
JOHN: I’ve a better idea. why not just send the $4500 to my paypal account?
JOHN: you’ve used paypal?
JOHN: oh, you don’t need an account
JOHN: just go to paypal.com
SCAMMER: do you have a credit card
JOHN: send money to ***@verizon.net
JOHN: yes, but I can’t cash your check with it
SCAMMER: I know maybe they can wire the money to your credit card
JOHN: try paypal
SCAMMER: but it must be a valid card
JOHN: easier
SCAMMER: I don’t know about that
JOHN: I just told you how
JOHN: go to paypal.com, click send money, to ***@verizon.net
SCAMMER: it won’t work that way, ok?
JOHN: it will, I’ve done it before
SCAMMER: what?
JOHN: with paypal
SCAMMER: look, if you know that you want to help me, tell me ok?
SCAMMER: I don’t like all this game
JOHN: you have a credit card?
JOHN: I’m trying to help you, ok…please appreciate that!
JOHN: you said you had no U.S. bank account?
JOHN: who’s the check from?
SCAMMER: I just told you
JOHN: who’s account? you said the bank but who’s sending the check?
SCAMMER: my agent
JOHN: why can’t he wire you the money?
SCAMMER: he can’t, okay, I am going, bye!
JOHN: why can’t he?
SCAMMER: why all this questioning?
JOHN: because I’m trying to help you best I can, I know better ways
SCAMMER: with all this question, huh?
JOHN: have your agent send me money through paypal
SCAMMER: they can’t, ok?
JOHN: I’ll wire it then…trust me, it’s easier
SCAMMER: thanks, I am going, bye!
JOHN: who’s mailing it?
JOHN: wait
JOHN: I’ll give addy, don’t go
SCAMMER: why all this sh*t then?
JOHN: where’s the check mailed from, you or agent?
JOHN: yes, you?
SCAMMER: agent, please let me go!
SCAMMER: ok, bye!
JOHN: My mailing address is: ******
SCAMMER: ok cool, thanks!
JOHN: please send it ASAP before I go on vacation to the Bahamas
JOHN: when will I get it?
SCAMMER: how many days will the check takes to clear in your bank?
JOHN: oh I’ll wire it right away, I trust you
JOHN: when will I get it?
SCAMMER: ok cool, but there is something I need it urgent
JOHN: when will I get it? the check
JOHN: okay
SCAMMER: I said I have a small problem is about the hotel I’m staying and the internet connection
SCAMMER: I don’t know if you can help me on that
SCAMMER: because the bill has due and the hotel manager is mad at me want to send me out of the hotel
JOHN: how much?
SCAMMER: *ding*
JOHN: not sure I can help…how?
SCAMMER: like how much do you think you can help with?
JOHN: how can I help?
SCAMMER: tell me how much
JOHN: how can I help?
SCAMMER: you will send the money via Western Union
JOHN: let’s just do the check, ok?
SCAMMER: you will deduct your money when you get the check, ok?
SCAMMER: I promise you this
JOHN: ok, send check. Where to?
SCAMMER: ok, do you want me to give you the information where to send the money to?
JOHN: sure
SCAMMER: ok, to the hotel manager. Will you send it now and how much?
JOHN: $500
SCAMMER: it’s a lie, you pulling my leg
JOHN: why? $450 + $50 bonus
SCAMMER: I know, why are you playing me
JOHN: why?
SCAMMER: it’s a lie, are we playing pool here?
JOHN: no, I’m honest. I had to test you first, sorry
SCAMMER: test me on what
JOHN: to see if I could trust u
SCAMMER: trust me
SCAMMER: do you want me to send my pics here?
JOHN: ***@verizon.net
SCAMMER: nope, here
JOHN: I’m just so lonely here…glad you will visit
SCAMMER: can you see that?
JOHN: no
SCAMMER: ok I will send it then to your e-mail
SCAMMER: but do you promise me that you will help me with the money now?
JOHN: thank you
JOHN: yes, email the info
SCAMMER: now, do you have a credit card?
JOHN: but email it
JOHN: I just need your addy, id
SCAMMER: what id?
JOHN: on Western Union?
SCAMMER: ok, can I send it here?
JOHN: or just address?
SCAMMER: but you can send it online
JOHN: e-mail so I get it right. I accidentally close chats, no archives
SCAMMER: ok, I will send it, are you going to send it online?
JOHN: yes
SCAMMER: go to www.westernunion.com
JOHN: I know but just send me the info; I’ll do it soon
SCAMMER: but you will have to do it now!
JOHN: why? in 2 hours, I will
SCAMMER: why in 2 hours time? you know it’s late here
JOHN: I’m busy so send info, go to bed
SCAMMER: I know it won’t takes you more than 15 to 20 minutes
SCAMMER: I wanna stay with you okay, till you do it and finish
JOHN: I’m disabled, I type slow and need to not be pressured
SCAMMER: I know but you know you might need my help too
JOHN: nah, 140 IQ here
SCAMMER: what?
JOHN: I’m smart, send it
JOHN: gotta go eat in 5 minutes
SCAMMER: what do you mean by you are smart?
JOHN: I can figure Western Union out
JOHN: just send info
JOHN: 4 minutes left
SCAMMER: are you sure you are not playing me?
JOHN: I’m sure
JOHN: check being sent?
SCAMMER: I just sent it
JOHN: 3 minutes left…okay
SCAMMER: check your email
JOHN: pics?
SCAMMER: I will send it first and I will get it for you, ok?
JOHN: ok
JOHN: 1 minute left
JOHN: will I see u soon?
SCAMMER: go and eat, I will be here waiting
SCAMMER: sure I promise you
SCAMMER: but help me do this before you go
JOHN: can’t…2 hours..food’s here
SCAMMER: why 2 hours?
JOHN: see you soon
SCAMMER: why 2 hours huh?
SCAMMER: *ding*
*** Auto-response sent to SCAMMER: Grrr! Grrr! Eating!
SCAMMER: sorry
SCAMMER: do you want me to wait here?
SCAMMER: *ding*
SCAMMER: *ding*
SCAMMER: *ding*
SCAMMER: *ding*
SCAMMER: *ding*
SCAMMER: brb, wait for me online
*** “SCAMMER” signed off at Fri Dec 01 18:43:42 2006.
*** “SCAMMER” signed on at Fri Dec 01 18:47:39 2006.
SCAMMER: hello
SCAMMER: *ding*
SCAMMER: *ding*
SCAMMER: *ding*
*** “SCAMMER” signed off at Fri Dec 01 19:25:22 2006.