Am I Pregnant? – Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Waiting to find out if you are pregnant can be one of the toughest things to do. Every twinge or gurgle can be suspicious, especially if you have been trying for a while. You are always trying to see if your body is doing something out of the ordinary. Although most pregnancy symptoms don’t show up until at least a few weeks into your pregnancy, some people may experience pregnancy symptoms much earlier, even just a week after implantation. Knowing what to look for will help you get a better view of your chances. Remember, though, only a positive pregnancy test can tell you for sure, no matter how many pregnancy symptoms you might be having.

While a missed period is the most obvious sign that you could be pregnant, there are many other more subtle pregnancy symptoms you may experience early on. Tender breasts, though many people also experience this as a pms symptom, can be an indication of early pregnancy. Some people even claim that their breasts have gotten larger very early. Another, even more subtle sign of pregnancy, perhaps even the earliest detectable sign, is implantation pain. When a fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall, some women may experience discomfort. Some even have a little bit of implantation bleeding or spotting. For those of you that track your basal body temperature, eighteen elevated temperatures can also be a sign of pregnancy, though this is not necessarily any earlier than when you are expecting to start your period. In some women, their cervical mucus, which normally dries up and then turns watery right before they start their periods, can remain clear and stretchy, like fertile cervical mucus. This may make you suspicious of pregnancy as well. Even though morning sickness usually shows up a few weeks into your pregnancy, some women have experienced it much earlier. This pregnancy symptom can be identified by unexplained nausea, not liking foods you normally like, vomiting for no apparent reason, and a heightened sense of smell. Another more common pregnancy symptom is a metallic taste in your mouth. Some women describe it as tasting copper, like a penny.

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The early pregnancy symptoms can begin to show very early in some women, but even if there are no symptoms at all, you can still be pregnant. Each woman’s body is different than the next. Also, most of the early pregnancy symptoms can also be explained as pre-menstrual symptoms. Try not to read into every slight symptom you may be feeling. Some people’s minds can even create symptoms that are not really there. Try to find things to distract you during your waiting time. Good luck!