Advice for New Mothers

Some things I have learned about: Being a mommy, taking care of a baby and taking care of boys in particular

Being a mommy is the hardest job in the world. But it is also the most fun and the most rewarding.

Take deep breaths. Count to ten. Count to 100 if you need to. Boys can try your patience! Girls, too, just usually in different ways.

Sleep when the baby sleeps. ALWAYS during the first few months. You can’t be a good mommy if you can’t see straight.

If someone offers you help, take them up on it! Especially if it involves them watching the baby so you can take a shower and shave your legs. It’s a terrible thing to have to choose between having smooth legs and getting some extra sleep when the baby is napping.

Don’t stress out over the everyday things. Enjoy your baby. The housework will get done eventually.

They WILL pee on you. Usually when you least expect it. They will also pee on your couch, your carpet, your car, your pet, the doctor and just about everything else.

Get used to bodily fluids. Puke, pee, poop, drool, snot, breast milk/ formula, you name it and it will be on you. And the funny thing is, you get to the point where it doesn’t really bother you. Then they learn to spit.

You will have bad dreams that something has happened to him or that he has stopped breathing. Completely normal. It might go away in about 18 years. But my mom says don’t count on it.

Trust yourself.

Take all advice with a grain of salt. Grandmothers and other moms know what worked for their children. But all babies are different.

Pay attention to the milestones that your baby should be reaching but don’t obsess over them. Again, all babies are different. If your little one is two

weeks late smiling, it doesn’t mean something is wrong.

On the other hand, if you feel like something IS wrong, call your pediatrician. Ask to talk to the nurse. No question is stupid. I once called to ask how

often my son should poop because he had not gone in two days. They reassured me and never made me feel bad. If the nurse is rude or condescending, maybe you should find a different doctor. They are there to help you. Take advantage of it.

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Always keep a burp rag or receiving blanket handy to wipe up…. whatever.

Always have a spare outfit for the baby in the diaper bag. You never know when you might need it. You might also consider a spare shirt for yourself. Especially if you are going to be gone for a long time.

Listen to your baby. He will let you know how he is and what he needs. If he is crying, there are four big things to check: Is his diaper wet or dirty? Does

he need to eat? Does he need to burp? Is he too hot or too cold? (Usually if you are comfortable with the temp., they are too.) If you check on all of these things and he is still fussy, it could be that he is overstimulated, understimulated, tired, stressed out, etc. Just like an adult, but babies cry out loud and don’t just

keep it inside. He will let you know what he needs, just pay attention.

But, if you are overwhelmed, put the baby in his crib or bassinet and walk outside. Five minutes of crying alone will not hurt him. But five minutes of silence can save your sanity.

Look your baby in the eyes. Face to face contact is important and he is so beautiful, isn’t he?

Touch. Massage. Stroke. Enjoy the feeling of his soft skin. He will love it. So will you.

Take lots of pictures. They change FAST.

Sing to him. It doesn’t matter what it is. I sing the songs from “Finding Nemo” and “Toy Story” or make something up. Or just talk. He will love

the sound of your voice and it will calm him down if he is upset.

Get ready to chase. You need good closing speed in order to catch them once they can

run. Or even crawl for that matter.

Boys climb. And they will surprise you with what they climb and when.

Roughhousing is important for boys. But, make sure that it stops at least an hour before bedtime. Otherwise you will never get him to sleep on time.

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Simple bedtime routines are good. If it is too complicated you will regret it as you will be doing the same thing for a long time. All babies and

toddlers love routine and schedules. It is reassuring to them.

Feed your baby when he is hungry. Some people, including some doctors, think a baby should have a strict feeding schedule. But why starve a baby if he

is hungry?

You WILL doubt yourself as a mother. It happens. You will be fine. Love your baby and do your best. That’s what being a good mom is all about.

Don’t ever judge your parenting skills against others. Everybody does things differently. It can be hard sometimes, though, especially if you have a boy who is hard to manage. Believe me, I know!

Boys are pure energy and pure love. Sticky boy kisses and soggy boy hugs are the sweetest things in the world.

Take time for yourself whenever you can. It is important for you to be happy and healthy both physically and mentally.

Don’t buy too many diapers at once, especially when the baby is really young. They grow fast.

Same thing for clothes.

Two products I could not live without: Boudreaux’s Butt Paste and Lavender & Chamomile Night Time Lotion

Remember that just because you are no longer pregnant it does not mean your body is back to normal. It takes a while to get the hormones evened out. If

you are breast feeding it will take even longer.

Don’t be surprised if sex is at the bottom of your list of priorities for some time after the baby is born. It is normal. If you are breast feeding it is even worse. If this happens to you, talk to your husband. Communication is important, especially when you are both sleep deprived.

Try to write in a baby memory book at least once a week. Document milestones. You might not think you will forget the first time he smiles at you and you know it is not gas, but will you remember the date in five years? It is good to have a record. I did not do this with my second child and now I really regret it!

Don’t try to do everything yourself. No one expects superwoman. Remember to ask for help if you need it.

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Remember this phrase: This too shall pass. Every phase is a phase. EVENTUALLY they will grow out of that really irritating thing that they do.

Boys like bugs. I don’t know why. They also love mud and gross things. And they love to share them with you. Fun!

Ceiling fans can keep a baby entertained for hours.

“If toast always lands butter side down , and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?” – Steven Wright This is just an example of the weird questions you will be called upon to answer. Kids think you know everything. Until they get to be teens. Then you know nothing.

Even the sweetest and calmest of babies will have times that they just cry uncontrollably. Colic is no fun. It also seems to happen a lot right around dinner

time. This may be because of the change in routine or the lack of attention they get while you try to cook. It is normal. I never have solved this one. Even with both parents home, it still can be crazy. My only advice is to try to cook simply. And do prep in batches so that you have smaller amounts of time devoted to it. And as soon as the baby is big enough, have them help out as much as they can.

Always expect the unexpected.

Cultivate patience.

When you take the baby shopping, have a special toy or treat that they ONLY GET when you are shopping. This will help keep them occupied and less fussy.

I heard a saying one time that went something like this: Having kids is like having your heart on the outside of your body. It’s true. And you love them more and differently as they grow.

Good luck and best wishes. Being mommy is the best thing! Enjoy it!