
Acu Reiki is a method of giving Reiki through Acu pressure or Acu puncture points. I discovered this method in 1996. Initially, I casually experimented on it. It had wonderful results. Then from 1998, I included this method in my syllabus of Reiki Advance class along with the other methods like Reiki dowsing, healing, meditations, and advance symbols of Reiki that I have directly received from Dr. Usui.

Generally, when we use Acu pressure or Acu punctures, we activate the channels of “chi” in the body by pressure or by piercing the needle. As the channel in activated the energies start flowing through the channel.

But, here there are some advance effects seen if the healer is not experienced. Instead of healing a problem a half baked healer may end up in creating a new problem. I myself had suffered from a severe backache in the hands of a half baked healer when he tried to scan me. Acu Reiki is safe. It has no such disadvantages!

“Acu” indicates a channel of flow of chi in the body. When these channels are blocked, the energies do not flow properly in the body. Then the parts of the body connected to it suffer either from lack of energy. This causes any kind of imbalance in the body system.

Medicines try to introduce some chemicals to correct the problem. But, since the channels are blocked, the problem keeps recurring.

This is the reason why in the method of Acu pressure, the right point leading to the affected area in searched and pressed.

As this point is pressed, if the point is right, it will pain. The Acu pressure healer keeps pressing paining. When the point stops paining, even the pain, swelling or problem in the affected area vanishes.

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But this process is very painful when the problem is severe. So many are scared of the pain.

Major points & HEALING METHOD:

There are a number of streams giving various different ways of checking and healing the points. But here, I am giving the easiest method to work on the pressure points.

For this you can follow a simple thumb rule, by which you can see the reflection of the whole body in each palm and foot. This makes the work very simple and easy.

Hold the palm with the nails upwards.

Now you can remember that thumb is the head.

Index finger is opposite side hand.

Middle finger is opposite side leg.

Ring finger is the leg of the same side

Little finger is the hand of the same side.

The line that begins at the end point of the thumb on the back hand and goes to the joint of middle and little finger is the spinal cord.

On the palm you may check for the related points for the points from throughout to intestines!

Same order can be followed for foot too!

It is always advisable to treat problems of upper parts of body up to kidneys and intestines by using the hand points and heal the lower limb problems by using the foot points.

For further details on points, refer to the picture charts given here.

To activate the point, use your thumb and index finger. If you want to find out an accurate point, you may use a blunt pointed object like a blunt pencil point or non-working pen or a jimmy that is commonly used by Acu-pressure practitioners.

But if you are using anything other than your own fingers, see to it that these objects are thoroughly cleaned after using them for one patient. This is because though these things are blunt, they still pick up the energy blocks from the patient.

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Also, while using any such objects, you must be careful in giving pressure to activate. The moment patient shows any indication of pain, stop putting pressure.

Do this a couple of times in order to confirm the point and properly activate it.

Then start giving Reiki to that point by touch. Do this for three to five minutes or as long as there is energy flow.

Then activate the point again. This time the pain in the point will be less.

This is the evidence of the healing that has happened. Even the pain in the area that the point indicates is also less by this time.

Now give Reiki again for some time.

Check the pain again connected to the affected area vanishes completely. Now also check the related peripheral points.

When you find pain gone from all these points, you can say that you have effectively said good bye to the problem, pain swelling or any other symptom in the concerned area!

Visibility of the results:

When you work with this method the results are seen almost immediately. So you do not have to just give Reiki and believe that the result will come at a right time, because here, you are not just working with the intelligence of Reiki, you are using the intelligence of chi channels as well as your own intelligence. When these three intellects meet and work together, the results are fast and almost immediate.

As you find and activate the right point, the sensation reaches the affected part of the body immediately. First time when you activate the point, the patient may have very severe pain even with gentle pressure. At this time, don’t press too much, start Reiki the pain on the point will soon subside and energy vibration will be felt in the concerned area in the form of heat, pulsation or just vibrations. In a few minutes the patient will say that he is getting relief!

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Cautions in healing WITH Acu-REIKI:

While working with Acu Reiki, the healer has to remember that he is not working with the regular Acu pressure. So they must refrain from giving more pressure and from pressing the affected point hand. They are just supposed to activate the points just by light pressure.

The healer also must keep in mind that he is supposed to heal not hurt! If the point is not paining with light pressure though he feels that it is the right point, he must not keep pressing there till it actually pains. This way he may be creating an ailment instead of healing one!

If the point he thinks is the right one, does not pain, he has to know that the source of the problem is elsewhere. He has to search for another point then.

In case of chronic ailments, even if total healing is seen, the healer still has to keep a follow up at least for a week and then once a week for at least 2 minutes.