Where to Learn Reiki Online

Even though it’s no longer “fashionable” to charge $10,000 for training to become a Reiki Master Teacher, prices are still less than affordable for some people. Some Reiki Masters still charge $300 per level, and often more for the Master level. In addition, some even break the Master level into two different classes, which means they receive twice as much money from their students.

Charging a fee for Reiki training isn’t wrong. The saying “You get what you pay for” is often true in Reiki as well. For instance, some websites offer free Reiki attunements, but either provide no manuals or personal support, or provide short manuals that don’t even cover the basics of Reiki. So, paying for Reiki training can be a good investment.

However, many also believe Reiki should truly be available to everyone. And in reality, it is. You can learn Reiki online for free, and print out your own manuals and certificates. This training is just as valid and thorough as in person training, without the costs associated with live one-on-one or group classes.

Below you’ll find two places where you can get all your Reiki training online at no cost.

1. Reiki_On Yahoo! Group. This group is located at:

Here you’ll find an extensive Files section, including manuals and attunement certificates. This covers everything you need to know for levels I and II of Usui Reiki. Attunements are sent out on the first and second Friday of the month, and anyone can receive them. There are attunement preparation and meditation exercises, and you can ask the group members any questions you have during or after your training.

See also  ACU-REIKI

2. Peggy Jentoft of Solarraven Reiki. Peggy is a Reiki Master, and you can use her free manuals as a basis for your training. Her website is:

There is a Reiki Master manual (level III of Usui Reiki) here as well, and she provides links to other Reiki resources in addition to her own writings.

The Reiki_On group, owned by two Usui Reiki Master Teachers, and Peggy Jentoft’s site are a great place to begin your Reiki training. They are reputable, helpful, and kind to their students, and you’ll find a wonderful Reiki community ready to welcome you to the practice of Reiki.

Unfortunately, if you want to become a certified Reiki Master Teacher, you’ll need to pay a Reiki Master for a certificate. Although you can get the training free from Peggy Jentoft’s manual, she doesn’t offer distance attunements to the Master level. The owners of Reiki_On offer level III training, but the price as of this writing is $300. This is sometimes still more than many people can afford. However, there are ways you can pay less for your certificate.

One of these is by purchasing Judith Conroy’s Chikara Reiki Do manual, which comes with a Usui Reiki Master Teacher certificate, as well as other resources. You can find this e-book at:
The price at the time this article was written is $67.

You can also go to:
and purchase the Master certificate and get a Seichem Reiki certification as well, although I don’t believe this manual is very well-written. The certificate, however, is valid. I would simply recommend you use Peggy’s or Judith’s manuals instead of this one.

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Until Reiki training is truly free of charge, those who can’t afford in person training or the more expensive distance attunements will have to gather their training materials and certificates from different sources. But it’s still better than paying $10,000 for training, as Mrs. Takata charged her students!