Acai Berry and Weight Loss – Amazing Results

Three weeks ago I weighed in at 210 pounds. Today, I weigh 180 pounds and still losing. What am I doing you ask? I am taking an amazing little known secret but soon to be the most popular method of weight loss in the country; the Acai Berry Daily Supplement.

Acai, pronounced ‘ah’sigh’ee’, is an amazingly potent berry, sometimes referred to as a palm fruit. The Acai berry was first recognized while being used by tribes in the Amazon jungle. Acai berry juice was used by the tribes as a cure for illness.

The Acai berry is one of thousands of berries and fruit used by a large number of tribes in the Amazon. Found to have amazing antioxidant potential, the Acai berry is also beneficial in the reduction of cholesterol;also as a treatment for cancer. When eaten, the Acai berry has been found to reduce bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol levels in the body.

For years, tribes in the Amazon have eaten, drank or taken the Acai berry to:

Fight infection

Strengthen the immune system

Protect the heart

Control prostate enlargement

Increase energy

Fight Schistosomosis

Fight ‘Staphylococcus Aureus

Known to be five times more potent than the popular and well known gingko biloba, the Acai berry has been a well kept secret of the elite and famous in the western world. The Acai has recently been seen on Oprah and hailed as a miracle fruit by Rachael Ray.

Now, a little about why I decided to take the Acai berry. My entire life until five years ago I was known to be extremely well proportioned. Small for my bone structure, but I looked good weighing in at 130. Due to enormous amounts of stress in my life from home and work, pregnancies and a number of other factors, I began to gain weight around 2006. From the beginning, I noticed that I looked swollen. The weight gain began to appear in my stomach. Just in the stomach area alone, I must have weighed in at about forty pounds.

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I was extremely overweight and began to feel the pressure of too much fat in the stomach area. I am a very light eater. I might consume roughly only about 1000 calories per day. I love fruits, vegetables and a salad just says ‘eat me’ whenever I see one. So, as you can tell, I eat healthy. I drink water as if it is the most delicious drink in the world. I may consume a few Cokes or Pepsi’s, however, water is amazingly refreshing during the day; especially when chilled. And I love to drink about five or six bottles daily.

When I asked my doctor what I could do, she gave me a diet plan. Well, I was not eating enough as it was, so a diet was not the answer. Besides, the amount of food required was simply too much for me to consume.

Sometimes, we as logical, thinking humans must determine on our own what we need to do for our bodies. I knew the appetite suppressants were not the answer. Nor were the miracle diets advertised everywhere. Besides, the amount of money they require, with no guaranteed results, turned me off immediately.

I believe in the power of prayer. I prayed for health and wellness and asked the Lord to guide me. I knew there was some help somewhere for me and I just needed to be guided in the right direction. One day, I came across an advertisement regarding the Acai berry. It caught my attention, but I was hesitant. A few days later, another ad caught my attention regarding the Acai berry. This time it was advertised as a supplement. I then began to notice, what appeared as daily ads, something interesting regarding the Acai berry and the potency of the pulp.

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Around the first of December, I took the plunge and ordered a 7day trial. Within a few days, I noticed my pants were easier to button. Then within the next day or two, I noticed my face appearing a little less wide; smaller even.

As we all know, when you give your approval to charge your card for the trial, if you do not cancel the membership within a two to three day period, your next full subscription is sent. About seven days later, I received a 30 day supply of the pills. The original trial supply was received on or around December 10th. On December 27, I was able to get into an outfit one size smaller. I noticed that I once again had a waistline. There was a little less ‘junk in the trunk’ as they say. My hips were looking well defined and I looked much better in my clothes.

The amazing thing about the Acai Berry Daily Supplement is that I have not changed any of my eating habits. I still eat what I want in the proportions I have always eaten. Even though the proportions were not excessive, before the Acai Berry Daily Supplement, I was continuously gaining. Now thanks to the Acai Berry Daily Supplement, I seem to be losing weight ‘daily.

You might ask am I being paid for this article testimony. The answer is, No! I am an every day regular, ordinary consumer, not well known at the least and have nothing to gain from this article except the hope someone will agree to publish it.

I know the pain of gaining weight and the disappointment when nothing seems to help. The Acai Berry Daily Supplement really works. It is well worth trying for the unbelievable cost of less than $5 for the trial.

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Check out the offer at this site The trial offers are best. With a trial, you pay a very small fee and see the results before risking larger amounts.

Also, to learn a more about the amazing Acai berry before making your decision, visit

I am astounded with my results. Try the Acai Berry Daily Supplement. Get ready for the body you had when a teen or maybe even better. For the second time in my life span, I feel ‘pretty.’

