How to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding

Losing weight is hard for millions of Americans, but losing weight while breast feeding can be a little more complicated. A breastfeeding mother is unable to follow much of the weight loss advice give to the general public. However, losing weight while breastfeeding can be done! It is actually scientifically proven that breastfeeding mothers lose more weight faster than non breast feeding mothers. So here’s how to safely lose the weight while breastfeeding:

Breastfeed Exclusively-

I know this first tip may have you saying “what?” but it is a scientific fact that a woman who exclusively feeds her child (does not supplement with formula) burns more calories daily and has a higher percentage of weight loss than a mother who chooses to both breast and bottle feed. The reason behind this is that full time breast feeding mother will be passing off much of the fat and other calories into the breast milk. It is estimated that a breast feeding mother will burn roughly 500-700 calories a day, just by nursing. It is also mentioned that during growth spurts where your baby east more, you could potentially be burning up to 1000 calories! It is for this reason that most breast feeding mothers are told to eat about 2200-2300 calories per day. It is also recommended that a mother who nurses her baby never eat any less than 1800 calories per day. caloric intake of a nursing mother is vital to the quality of the breast milk she offers her nursing child.

Eat Healthy –

It is very important that a woman who is breastfeeding her child eats a well balanced diet anyway. But in addition to the benefits a breastfeeding mother passes to her child through healthy eating habits, comes the benefit of weight loss! A breastfeeding mother who consumes lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, water, and yes – high fat foods like milk, cheese, whole milk yogurt, and eggs offers both herself and her baby a stable supply of quality foods. A breastfeeding mother should not burden herself with the though of consuming too much fat. Of course, this is not to say that a trip to Burger King or McDonald’s is the answer. Healthy fats, like those found in olive oil and avocados are great for breastfeeding woman, and even the saturated fats found in milk and butter typically cause no added weight gain for the mother. Those fats build the babies brain development, so think of it as a benefit to be able to eat those high fat foods without the worry!

See also  Breastfeeding and Weight Loss

Take exercise Slowly-

Like I mentioned already, breast feeding woman typically burn between 500-700 calories a day nursing. I strongly encourage breastfeeding woman to exercise, but do not over do it. Simply exercising for thirty minutes 3-4 times a week can tone and improve a breastfeeding mothers physical appearance without depleting her body of energy. Remember calories = energy so it’s important not to have some crazy 2 hour workout Sunday through Monday. Exercising like that will also make the quality of the breast milk poor and nutritionally inadequate for the child’s development. Take it slowly, but remember to make exercise a habit now, so when the breastfeeding stops, getting back on track is easier.

It is also worth mentioning that a breastfeeding mother should never consume any diet pills while breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to try any popular diets, especially those which encourage you to cut out certain food groups while breastfeeding. Artificial sweeteners are also a huge untouchable in a breastfeeding mothers diet. You can safely use Slim Fast to lose weight, but remember that your diet should never dip lower than 1800 calories per day. Slim Fast has also been adding artificial sweeteners to their newer product lines, so stay away from all but the original! Because Slim fast is much like Ensure or Boost, it provides a breastfeeding mother with many nutrients, and if you subscribe for their FREE weight loss tools and meal planner you will be able to take advantage of their creative meal ideas. Again, though I must stress to stay clear from anything that is artificially sweetened with splenda (sucrolose) or other “fake sugars” Do not consume any foods or beverages contain artificial sweeteners while breastfeeding.

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