Vital Acai: A Review

The Acai berry hails from the rainforest and has recently been promoted as one of the “super health foods.” Proponents of the acai berry have pointed out that the berries, which are rich in anti-oxidants, have been linked to fighting cancer and contains essential fatty acids, iron, fiber, calcium and vitamins B, C and E. Not only that, but the acai berry is supposed to taste great, too. It’s flavor is usually described as a mixture between chocolate and typical berry taste. It’s not surprising then that the acai berry has become a fixture in many nutritional supplements. Vital Acai is one of many, but I contend that it is one of the best supplements to include the wonder food “acai.”

Vital Acai must be taken twice daily and will run approximately $78.00 every month along with a $4.95 shipping and handling fee. Result time will vary, of course, but most individuals, including myself, noticed the best results about three months into taking the product.

In addition to the acai berry, Vital Acai contains a host of other ingredients that have known medical benefits as well. Resveratrol, gogi berry extract, Hawaiian Noni extract, Mangosteen Extract, Pomegranate Extract and grape skin extract have been added to give the food an extra nutritional boost.

Vital Acai has two main positive benefits in addition to the anti-oxidant and vitamin benefits that promote increased energy. It acts as a detoxing agent and as a weight loss supplement. The combination of detox and weight loss promotion have resulted in 25 to 50 pounds of weight being lost in as little as two weeks by consumers of the Vital Acai.

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Sounds too good to be true?

I was skeptical as well. However, after taking the Vital Acai product, I became a believer. I lost fifteen pounds of stubborn baby fat that has plagued me since my teen years, which was a definite boost, for sure.

But the most unexpected benefit was the ability of the Vital Acai product to just make me feel great. The detoxing aspects of the product flushed away all the nastiness clinging to my insides that refused to flush out of my system, no matter how many “detox diets” I went on.

As a result, I feel clean, both inside and out. It’s a hard feeling to explain to someone who hasn’t taken the Vital Acai product. But imagine the inside of your body being asleep for twenty years, and then suddenly waking up after a long nap, feeling restful and revitalized. That’s how the inside of my body felt after taking the Vital Acai product.

Unlike other nutritional supplements, Vital Acai actually did taste great, as well. Mine didn’t quite taste like chocolate, but the combination of fruit powders from raspberries, wild black cherries, blueberries, and elderberries, along with the acai berry, made it a very pleasant addition to my daily routine.

There are a variety of acai berry food supplements on the market, but for its amazing detox abilities and its weight loss capabilities, Vital Acai gets my vote as the best of the supplements containing the superfood.