A Review of Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter

I love peanut butter. In my search for a healthy and low fat peanut butter, I came across Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter and decided to try it. I had tried other Skippy products, in the past and usually liked them. This peanut butter was no exception. I loved the flavor and found this product be very good to eat.

Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter has a very creamy texture. I noticed this fact and liked that. I usually eat this product in a sandwich, so ease of spreadability was very important. Skippy did not let me down. Spreading this peanut butter was a breeze. It did not tear the bread and I found it’s texture to be great. Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter passed my taste test. The peanut flavor is excellent. I found this peanut butter to be of high quality and very flavorful. It has a fresh peanut taste. The smell was good and I enjoyed the creamy texture.

Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter has twenty-five percent less fat than regular peanut butter. This is one of the main reasons that I tried this product. I found that fact to be excellent. It is hard to find a good low fat peanut butter and in my opinion, this product is one of the best. I was very pleased with the fat content. This peanut butter had zero grams of trans fat. I found that fact to be impressive. Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter has no cholesterol in it! That is always a good thing and a plus about eating this product. This peanut butter has seven grams of protein. I found that this product fits into a diet well and helps you watch your fat intake.

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Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter has the eat smart seal of approval on the label. This product provides me with a good source of calcium, iron, fiber, niacin, Vitamin B6, folic acid, magnesium, zinc and copper! Eating this peanut butter adds nutrition to my diet in a very enjoyable way. Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter is low cost and can be found in most grocery stores. When I compared this product to other low fat brands of peanut butter, it won the price war. I liked the fact that this product was very budget friendly. For a reduced fat product, that is rare!

One thing that I really liked about this product is that my entire family liked it. That was important to me and they all agreed that the flavor of Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter was great. I think that this product is a delicious way to reduce fat in my diet. I have also cooked with this product and as an ingredient, it did great. I found that using this peanut butter as an ingredient in my cookies made them healthier. It was nice to be able to do that. There are many things that I love about Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter. It tastes great, has a full peanut flavor and is a great value. This product does not taste like it is a reduced fat product. That was wonderful. This product is sixty percent peanuts and I could taste that, while eating this peanut butter.

Skippy is a brand that grew up with and I trust this product. I found it to be safe. It gave me a great way to reduce the fat in my peanut butter without taking away the great peanut butter taste. I eat this product often and find it to be delicious. I was very pleased with Skippy Reduced Fat Peanut Butter and will be buying it again.

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