A Review of Marvel-Mini Rejuvenating Facial Light Therapy

If you have ever had to deal with hyperpigmentation of the skin, you know how hard it is to find products that help you reduce the appearance of an uneven skin tone. For myself, the arrival of summer is when my hyperpigmentation concerns are at the highest, which is why I purchased the Marvel-Mini Rejuvenating Facial Light Therapy for Hyperpigmentation as soon as it came out.

Even after the use of beauty products that are specially formulated to deal with hyperpigmentation, the amount of sun I get changes the degree of hyperpigmented skin I have to deal with. My complexion is really the only area I stress about, but there is not a whole lot I can actually do about it. Over the past couple of years I have read about and looked into very high priced light therapy, but if I am going to go that route I need to wait till I can afford the entire treatment. That is why I was quick to purchase the home version of the cosmetic surgery from Ageless Beauty.

The Marvel Mini Rejuvenating Facial Light Therapy actually comes in three treatments, but they all work using the same light therapy technology. A device small enough to fit in your hand and no larger than a hand brush is fitted with a pad of LED lights that help treat skin problems such as hyperpigmentation, acne and wrinkles and fine lines. I only purchased and tried the device meant to treat hyperpigmentation, so that is the only one I am reviewing here.

At just over two hundred dollars, this small device is on the expensive side for a cosmetic tool, but compared to the regular therapy that needs to be repeated over months, it is a song. To be able to use it in the comfort of your home and at your convenience is an added perk. What’s more, the device is extremely easy to use. There is no guesswork involved because each device delivers just the right amount of light wavelengths when held up to your skin to treat your specific problem.

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I was a little skeptical when I first tried the product, especially since it only called for fifteen minutes of use a day for the first four weeks. After the first two weeks of use I did not see any definite changes, but I did not have very uneven color to begin with. Still, I used the Marvel on the few spots that did show on my face for the recommended fifteen minutes religiously. By the third week I noticed that all the areas of my face that I used the light therapy on had begun to even out. Week four was even better, only one spot was obvious to myself and even then only because I knew exactly where to look.

As I stated, in the past I have only used beauty products to minimize or try to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmented skin, but none of them ever completely erased the problem. I used the Marvel Mini device for four weeks on three specific areas without the use of any other products and had better results than I have ever had in the past. After the four weeks I did stop using the device and less than two weeks later the same spots did reappear, but with retreatment those same spots were reduced.

I consider the two hundred dollars that I spent on this tiny device money well spent. I have probably spent five times that on creams, lotions and moisturizers over the years that can’t even come close to replicating the results I have now. With the uneven skin tone reappearing after a few weeks, the treatment obviously is not as good as the real thing, but I own the device now and can use it without having to pay over and over again for more treatments.

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