Ways of Getting Rapid Hair Growth

As much as there isn’t a magical hair product that you will just apply and your starts growing immediately, you can still help speed things up by abiding to some simple rules and doing something’s right that way, you will have a rapid hair growth. You can still grow your to your taste without necessarily emptying you bank account or rob a side bank. Cheap and easy ways of rapid hair growth involve you, your commitment and dedication and then patience not just you going to use different hair products that contain damaging chemicals that will end up killing your already dying hair. There are a thousand and one ways of growing hair faster but here will be discussed some natural ways of achieving a rapid hair growth. Since nature has given us the opportunity of having our hair grown without much ado then, you don’t have a choice but to utilize it. Here are a few things you wouldn’t believe that can help with rapid hair growth until now.

A hormone has a very high influence on hair growth. DHT is a hormone that does damage to the hair and causes hair loss and even baldness in some individuals. There are herbs that can slow down or stop this hormone from slowing down growth such as saw palmetto and beta Sitosterol. This natural herbs or supplement help to stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT and inhibits the enzyme 5 reductase that creates this hormone. By using this natural extracts, you will help to increase the rate of hair growth and achieve a rapid hair growth in no time.

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Slowing down on your alcohol intake and smoking can help you achieve rapid hair growth. Smoke of cigarettes contains very damaging chemicals and lethal that can cause hair loss and also cause your hair to break and smell. Alcohol causes your body to dehydrate including your scalp and when your scalp is dehydrated, the hair shafts tend to become dry and lead to hair breakage. It slows down the blood circulation to the scalp by reducing the oxygen level in blood and thereby causing nutrients not to reach the hair follicles and reduce hair growth and production.

Drinking a lot of water at least 8 glasses a day is important for rapid hair growth. With all the stress level you undergo, you should make sure take enough water to compensate the energy that is being burned. It also keeps your scalp hydrated and increase blood flow to the scalp as it contains oxygen. If you are taking alcohol excessively, make sure you take water to be able to neutralize its effects and keep your body hydrated.

Vitamins increase hair growth. Taking foods that are rich in vitamins ensures a rapid hair growth and also healthy for your entire body. Also using hair growth products that contain vitamins and proteins can help speed up hair growth.
