Look Younger with the Right Makeup Application

Most of my friends would cringe and wrinkle their noses if they were perceived as being older than their actual age. Too be honest, I would too. And while I don’t consider myself old by any measure, I have to admit that I am clinging tightly to all things that make me look more youthful. Makeup is one of those things that can go either way. Worn correctly, makeup gives you a more youthful glow, a sparkle, and a lift. Worn poorly, makeup can make you look old, tired, and miserable. Here’s what you need to know to look more youthful.

Too much powder ages you. Powder, especially mineral powder, is great for smoothing out the skin tone, preventing shine, and ease of application. However, an overload of powder can settle in fine lines and make them look much deeper than they are. Since fine lines usually start in the eye area, keep your powder application to the T-zone – your forehead, nose, and areas around the mouth. This will give you the shine prevention benefits without drawing attention to fine lines.

Too little foundation ages you. Studies have shown that one of the biggest culprits of perceived aging is uneven skin tone. If you’re not wearing enough foundation, your uneven skin tone will show, causing you to look older than necessary. If this is the case, just choose a foundation that is a little bit heavier than the one you are currently wearing. A mousse foundation with age fighting ingredients will help you maintain a youthful glow and an even skin tone.

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Colors that are too dark age you. Dark colors, especially dark lipstick, can be very aging. As we get older, our skin tone starts to darken and dull, and dark colored makeup can make it look even darker. Avoid wearing heavy, dark colors to keep your look more youthful.

Highlighting makes you look younger. Shadowy areas of our face can age us fast. Areas around the nose, the chin, under our eyes, and in the inner corners of our eyes tend to look dark and shadowy, which makes us look old and dowdy. Use a makeup highlighter or concealer to add a little brightness to these areas. You’ll look younger and prettier.

Soft colors make you look younger. Pastel colors and soft shimmery colors will make you look younger and brighter. The lighter colored makeup brightens up your skin and doesn’t weigh you down.

The right shade of lipstick makes you look younger. You’ll have to experiment to find just the right shade, but look for a soft pinky or coral color. If it’s too dark, it will age you. If it’s too light or bright, it will look garish against your skin tone. Play around until you find the shade that brightens up your entire face.

Remember, makeup should never take center stage. It should always enhance your natural beauty. Find the shades that make you happy and wear them with a beautiful smile. You can’t go wrong, no matter how old you are.